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Mitch McConnell Knows Mystery Senator Identity. Call Him.
The Washington Post reports today that Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH), the only non-respondent to queries about an anonymous hold on S.223, is denying that he has a hold on the bill. According to the Post article, Gregg’s spokeswoman Erin Rath states, “As a matter of practice, Senator Gregg does not use secret holds.” When pressed again, Rath stated that Gregg does not have a hold on the bill. Gregg’s denial isn’t the most definitive “no” that we’ve heard so we are still unsure about his status. However, there is one person that everyone knows has the answer to the mystery of the anonymous hold: Mitch McConnell. Call his office and ask him who made an anonymous objection to S.223: (202) 224-2541. Send us your findings through this comment form.
Continue readingStill Waiting…
Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) is the only Senator on our list who will not respond to queries about the anonymous blocking of S.223, the Senate campaign finance electronic filing bill. Why won't Sen. Gregg answer the question or return our phone calls? If you still want to call and find out give Gregg's office a ring at (202) 224-3324 and ask if he is has ever placed a hold or made an objection to S.223. You can send your findings on this comment form. Meanwhile, we'll be waiting here for an answer to our question. Who's blocking S.223? Check out our complete page on the search for the secret Senator at this page on our website.
Continue readingGregg.
Updated to reflect Kyl's denial.
Is it OR
Jon Kyl - (202) 224-4521 Judd Gregg - (202) 224-3324
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Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) refuses to tell his constituents if they are anonymously blocking the non-controversial electronic filing bill, S.223. Why won't Judd Gregg come clean and either admit or deny? The only assumption to be made is that Gregg is blocking the bill. It's a shame that Kyl and Gregg have to hide in his office behind staff assistants who know little of what is going on. Come out in the open and answer the question: are you blocking S.223?