What's the best way to clean up information when it comes in many shapes and sizes? We aim to find out.
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On Electronic Records Day, looking forward to a more digital, open future for public records
It's Electronic Records Day, and it's a good opportunity to examine how governments are faring when it comes to creating, managing, and sharing public records in electronic formats.
Continue readingSharing the knowledge: taking notes on open data from records managers and archivists
Here's why records managers, archivists and open data advocates should all be working together: we are all part of the new life-cycle of records.
Continue readingOpen data is the next iteration of public records
The way we think about access to information is changing along with advances in technology. It's time for public records to be proactively released online.
Continue readingTexas Opens Up Public Officials’ Communications
The 83rd Texas Legislature took steps to open up government at the state and local levels with two new laws that could set a precedent in making legislative communication open by default.
Continue readingCan Electronic Records Save Money, Increase Efficiency, and Benefit Everyone?
The advantages of using electronic records and providing more searchable, accessible records are sometimes overshadowed by one concern: money.
Continue readingElectronic Records Are Already Here to Stay
The benefits of electronic records go far beyond the improved searching and sharing of information with the public. They also help prepare governments for present and future records management.
Continue readingReducing Paper, Increasing Transparency: Public Records in Ohio
While "public records management" might conjure images of dusty filing cabinets and stacks of yellowing paper, many state and local governments are taking steps to modernize public information in a way that makes it more easily accessible and engaging.
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