Yesterday we hosted "Unseal the Deal! How open contracting can improve your city’s procurement process," a webinar with our partners from the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP), the Harvard Kennedy School's Government Performance Lab (GPL), and the City of Glendale, Arizona to discuss how open contracting can help cities get more bids, better bids, more contractors, and better outcomes—all while mitigating risks of corruption and improving trust and integrity—through an open approach to procurement. If you missed it, the recording of the webinar and presentation slides are now available.
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On Tuesday, June 5, join the Sunlight Foundation's Open Cities team, the Open Contracting Partnership, Harvard Kennedy School’s Government Performance Lab, and the City of Glendale, Arizona for a webinar discussion about how open data can be used to improve contracting outcomes, including tips for how cities anywhere can use this approach.
Continue readingGlendale, AZ gets tactical and looks at how opening data could improve procurement
Our work on open contracting in Glendale has generated recommendations for any city aiming to use open contracting data to improve procurement processes.
Continue readingHow Glendale, Arizona is using Tactical Data Engagement to improve procurement
We collaborated with the City of Glendale, Arizona on our first Tactical Data Engagement pilot project. Building on the success of this first project, Glendale also wanted to use data and evidence to improve the way it manages city contracts.
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