Senators pushed Shaun Donovan, President Obama's nominee to lead OMB, on DATA Act implementation at a hearing yesterday.
Continue readingDATA Act passes Senate, President’s desk on the horizon.
The DATA Act passed the Senate by unanimous consent this afternoon, moving it one step closer to the President's desk.
Continue readingDiverse coalition unites to support strong DATA Act
Today, the Sunlight Foundation joined a diverse group of organizations in supporting the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act), S. 994 and H.R. 2061, legislation that would help to standardize and publish federal spending data.
Continue readingHouse keeps DATA Act momentum moving
Last night the House took an important bipartisan step towards greater government transparency by passing the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, H.R. 2061 (DATA Act) on a near unanimous vote.
The DATA Act will significantly improve the transparency of federal spending data, as well as make it easier to use, by instituting strong, government-wide financial data standards. It will also ensure that more, and more accurate, data is made publicly available.
As DATA Act Markup Looms In Senate, Groups Announce Support For Introduced Version
Today, a coalition of groups and individuals concerned with open government urged the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental... View Article
Continue readingFederal Spending Transparency Gets a Hearing, Not a Markup
Improved federal spending transparency was the topic of today’s Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee hearing, which focused on the... View Article
Continue readingE-Gov Measure in Committee Hearing Today
The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs (HSGAC) is holding a committee hearing at 2:30 pm today to... View Article
Continue readingE-Gov Reauthorization in Doubt
Andrew Noyes writing in Congress Daily notes that the e-government reauthorization (referring to the original e-gov act of 2002) is... View Article
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