As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Tag Archive: Lindsay Ferris

Take a stand for transparency and support the Sunlight Foundation (now even easier and with more impact)


CFC_1Black_RGB (1)At the Sunlight Foundation, we’re passionate about our mission to use technology and advocacy to catalyze a more open, transparent and accountable government. But we’re also a nonprofit and rely upon grants and donations to enable our passion and advance our mission. It’s all possible because of the generosity and help of our donors and friends — THANK YOU! So, whether you’re a current or future donor, we want to share some great (and a few new) ways to support Sunlight’s mission to advance open data and open government that are easy and, in some cases, can double the impact of your gift.

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