This month, we've been highlighting bills that would ensure the public has information on D.C. influence. Now we bring you the Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act, legislation that should have been passed a long, long time ago.
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Secrecy and money have no place in lobbying – and a new bill aims to fix that
Today we focus on shining a brighter light on resources that are used to directly influence policy — the Lobbying and Campaign Finance Reform Act.
Continue readingWhy wait? The Real Time Transparency Act would make campaign contributions public in 48 hours
The Real Time Transparency Act is one bill that would, with a mere tweak of the current disclosure system, dramatically improve disclosure of big contributions to campaigns.
Continue readingTransparency bills could offer easy wins, but will Congress bite?
Congress returns from summer vacation with expectations that they will accomplish almost nothing before Election Day. But if members want to point to some accomplishments before voters go to the polls, they should look at bills aimed at strengthening transparency.
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