Party: Republican |
State and District: Colorado, 4 |
Born: Aug. 22, 1974 Yuma, Colo. |
Campaign cash raised: $4,244,751 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $917,485 |
Money from leadership PACs: $100,500 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $738,057 / $108,702 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: $2,177 in opposition |
Net worth in 2010:-$10,987 to $221,999 |
Net worth in 2011: $-$419,583 to $134,995 |
Gardner's Capitol Words profile
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Congressional rookies following the ways of Washington
In 2010, voters were so determined to upset the Washington establishment that they elected a House of Representatives in which 20 percent of the faces were new. It was a political revolution. But nearly two years later, the 89 rookies elected in November, 2010—80 Republicans and nine Democrats—don’t look all that different from their more veteran colleagues.
Continue readingHouse freshmen: Campaign finance raw data
For the data nerds out there, we've put together spreadsheets of the campaign finance analysis of the freshmen class used for this story. It includes data reported to the Federal Election Commission as of the second quarter of 2012. Click below to see a table.
Continue readingFreshmen at a glance
Of the 89 House freshmen elected in November, 2010, some stand out. Sunlight has produced quick statistical sheets on some of the rookie lawmakers who figure prominently in our examination of this year's first termers.
Continue readingHouse freshmen project: Reporting team
Sunlight's series on the House freshmen was reported and researched by a team from our Reporting Group, Sunlight Labs and Communications shop:
Bill Allison: Bill is the Editorial Director at the Sunlight Foundation. A veteran investigative journalist and editor for nonprofit media, Bill worked for the Center for Public Integrity for nine years, where he co-authored The Cheating of America with Charles Lewis, was senior editor of The Buying of the President 2000 and co-editor of the New York Times bestseller The Buying of the President 2004. He edited projects on topics ranging from the role of ...
Continue readingProfile: Tom Reed
Party: Republican |
State and District: New York, 29 |
Born: Nov. 18, 1971 Joliet, Ill. |
Campaign cash raised: $2,609,380 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $694,905 |
Money from leadership PACs: $94,250 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $807,888 / $171,975 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: None reported |
Net worth in 2010: $784,011 to $1,810,999 |
Net worth in 2011: $19,009 to $859,997 |
Reed's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
Continue readingProfile: Tim Scott
Party: Republican |
State and District: South Carolina, 1 |
Born: Sept. 19, 1965 Charleston, S.C. |
Campaign cash raised: $2,545,657 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $688,625 |
Money from leadership PACs: $75,000 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $938,175 / $354,102 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: None reported |
Net worth in 2010: $915,004 to $5,949,997 |
Net worth in 2011: $450,004 to $950,000 |
Scott's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
Continue readingProfile: Diane Lynn Black
Party: Republican |
State and District: Tennessee, 6 |
Born: Jan. 16, 1951 Baltimore, Md. |
Campaign cash raised: $5,039,692 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $817,042 |
Money from leadership PACs: $97,400 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $2,041,813 / $109,450 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: $69,590.78 in support, $232,789 in opposition |
Net worth in 2010: -$7,315,946 to $69,860,990 |
Net worth in 2011: Not yet reported |
Black's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
Continue readingProfile: Tim Huelskamp
Party: Republican |
State and District: Kansas, 1 |
Born: Nov. 11, 1968 Fowler, Kan. |
Campaign cash raised: $1,873,301 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $348,455 |
Money from leadership PACs: $48,000 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $707,689 / $211,275 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: None reported |
Net worth in 2010: $114,015 to $460,000 |
Net worth in 2011: $123,010 to $420,000 |
Huelskamp's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
Continue readingProfile: Scott Rigell
Party: Republican |
State and District: Virginia, 2 |
Born: May 28, 1960 Titusville, Fla. |
Campaign cash raised: $6,466,058 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $390,699 |
Money from leadership PACs: $143,500 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $4,407,915 / $330,355 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: None reported |
Net worth in 2010: $7,819,054 to $36,119,998 |
Net worth in 2011: $5,745,074 to $51,592,996 |
Rigell's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
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