After Sandy Hook, the NRA heaped blamed on violent video games and a failing mental health system, while proposing that schools arm more personnel. A Sunlight review finds little progress on any of the gun rights group's agenda.
Continue readingDid NRA silence help win passage of plastic gun ban?
The NRA didn't stand in the way of Congress approving a plan to extend a ban on guns that would go unnoticed by metal detectors — but it scuttled proposals to extend it to guns manufactured via 3-D printing.
Continue readingFollow the gun money with Sunlight tools
How we did this guns series, and how you can follow the money too using Sunlight's tools.
Continue readingIn debt and under fire, Stockman eyes Senate race
As Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, shifts his campaign to challenge incumbent Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, questions still linger about his finances and how the campaign will repay its tens of thousands of dollars owed in staff compensation.
Continue readingDid guns beat money in Colorado recalls?
Pro-gun advocates appear to have defeated better-funded gun control supporters in this year's Colorado recall races, but loopholes in the reporting laws make it hard to determine exactly who spent how much.
Continue readingWho met most with regulators to try to shape the Volcker Rule? The big banks, of course
While it’s unclear how Wall Street will respond to the final Volcker Rule proposal, one thing is clear: the banks have done their very best to bend and shape the rule by never leaving regulators alone.
Continue readingOn gun control, states are where the action is
While their efforts to win new federal gun regulations stalled out this year, gun control advocates did win some victories in big states.
Continue readingExplore gun influence state by state
Use Sunlight's interactive table to get a state by state breakdown how much groups on either side of the gun debate gave candidates for state and federal office.
Continue readingGun law nullification efforts fade as specter of federal gun laws retreats
Efforts by states to nullify possible new federal gun control measures have flagged, along with prospects for Congress passing any new legislation in the wake of last year's Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.
Continue readingBarrage of political campaign spending follows shootings at Sandy Hook
Even in an "off" election year, groups on both sides of the gun debate spent millions to influence public opinion, and some have stockpiled big warchests for 2014.
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