Rep. Rick Nolan, D-Minn., has a dire warning: “The future of our democracy depends on passage” of legislation to prevent members of Congress from soliciting campaign contributions.
Continue readingInternational political finance activists find areas of common concern in Prague meeting
The meeting gave attendees the opportunity to discuss issues facing advocates for political transparency in a setting that encouraged sharing of experiences.
Continue readingCongress should mandate tax return disclosure for presidential candidates
Presidential candidates and sitting presidents should be required by law to publicly disclose their tax returns.
Continue readingLessons from Do Good Data 2016: How data can make the world a better place
What is the social utility of open data, data analysis and government transparency? The Sunlight Local Policy team attended the Do Good Data 2016 conference in Chicago to find out.
Continue readingStating the obvious: Why it helps to look at state law if you’re running for president
If you want to run for president and you don’t get the official Democratic or Republican nod, you’d better start to get to know the funky and fantastic world of state law.
Continue readingLessons learned from a year of opening police data
April's White House Police Data Initiative celebrated its progress by gathering industry leaders for a two-day event discussing challenges and successes of releasing open police data to the public.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Will a recent court decision jeopardize open data in health care?
Democratizing new blockchain technology with big and open data will remove the middlemen in healthcare faster than the internet came to life in the mid-1990s. But who is hindering the progress?
Continue readingCongress requests GAO investigation into federal FOIA shortcomings
Based on troubling statistics, Congress has requested the General Accountability Office conduct a comprehensive review of the federal government's compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: ‘Open Information St. Paul’ makes data dynamic, relevant and user-friendly
To spark a culture of innovation throughout St. Paul, citizens will need more than access to spreadsheets. Find out how the city's executives are doing more than just data.
Continue readingThe false choice between criticism and collaboration
Tom Steinberg recently critiqued the open data movement, suggesting that advocacy is too incremental, political leaders are duplicitous and many basic problems have yet to be addressed. Here's our response.
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