Creating a budget is one of the most important tasks of government, but citizens are more disconnected from this process than ever. The interactive web app Balancing Act seeks to change that.
Continue readingWhite House makes Presidential Innovation Fellows program permanent
Great news for the world of civic tech: President Barack Obama has signed an executive order making the Presidential Innovation Fellows program permanent.
Continue readingTwitter shuts down 30 international versions of Politwoops
Over the weekend, Twitter shut down all remaining Politwoops sites in 30 countries around the world.
Continue readingSunlight joins coalition demanding Congressional Research Service reports be published online
Sunlight has joined a coalition of businesses, nonprofits, scholars and more demanding that Congressional Research Service reports be made public online to all.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Richmond’s new open data portal a good start, but more work needed
While Richmond's open data portal is a great step forward for transparency, signs of the same culture of government obstinance remain.
Continue readingWhoFishesFAR brings open data and accountability to illegal fishing
WhoFishesFAR, a recently launched international fishing tracking website, presents a new and innovative approach to accountability rooted in open data.
Continue readingThe Great Rip-off: Unique campaign roots out transnational corruption
The Great Rip-off, a campaign from Global Witness, roots out transnational corruption and promotes corporate transparency.
Continue readingBuilding consensus: Reflections on creating the Declaration on Political Finance Openness
Since we launched the Money, Politics and Transparency project in early 2014, we’ve documented political finance practices, current reform efforts,... View Article
Continue readingSunlight announces new project to foster greater transparency in Ukraine
Thanks to the Mott Foundation, Sunlight is embarking on a new project to foster greater transparency and accountability in Ukraine.
Continue readingHow transparent is your state’s lobbying disclosure?
Sunlight went state by state analyzing how well each one discloses the influence of lobbyists. How did your state do?
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