Agencies are still inventorying their data holdings but it's already clear that President Barack Obama’s open data executive order is cluing the public into lots of information that wasn’t previously available or easily accessible. In the holiday spirit, Sunlight has put together 12 days of data sets. When you're not skiiing, try (data) diving!
Continue readingFOIA Santa Comes Early to Sunlight!
Recently, Sunlight filed our first FOIA lawsuit against the GSA to get 14 years of data - we got almost everything we wanted, but some info was withheld. Now we've got all the data - and no black redaction bars!
Continue readingWhat a “Lobbyists’ Lament” doesn’t tell us about lobbying
Haley Barbour and Ed Rogers’ piece, “The Lobbyists’ Lament,” is an unintentionally remarkable example of how lobbying works. It’s lively, persuasive and factually correct. As is most lobbying. Problem is, it’s also one-sided. As is most lobbying.
Continue readingEU fails to produce clear recommendations on lobbying transparency
After months of deliberation, the EU working group responsible for fixing the EU’s somewhat dysfunctional lobbying transparency register has concluded its review process without producing clear recommendations.
Continue readingBloomberg Philanthropies throws its weight behind urban innovation
Bloomberg Philanthropies recently launched the Mayors Challenge, a contest for funding in the European Union where large cities submit new, innovative ideas for solving local problems.
Continue readingRecommendations for Stronger Local Asset Disclosure
The release of asset disclosure information is spotty at best on the local level. We have a few recommendations for opening up this data.
Continue readingReport by HELP Committee Recommends More Open and Transparent Contracting Data
Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) released a report revealing that 30% of the largest labor law violators in the country are also government contractors, receiving $81 billion dollars worth of contracts in 2012 alone.
Continue readingIsrael inches toward lobbying reform
Earlier this summer, a lobbying reform bill that strengthens disclosure and improves transparency was introduced to the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. While the bill is not without flaws, it is an encouraging step in the right direction.
Continue readingMaking US Government Data License-Free
What license should government apply to open data? No license at all, because it’s not their data — it’s ours
Continue readingThe Impact of Local Asset Disclosure
Opening up asset disclosures helps empower public oversight of potential conflicts of interest for local government officials. Reporters across the country are calling out the need for access to this information as open data.
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