Hospital emergency department records collected by the CDC reveal not only a racial disparity in the number of nonfatal injuries caused by law enforcement but also an upward trend in their frequency over the last decade.
Continue readingTag Archive: Technology
A fond farewell
A parting note from Sunlight Labs Director Tom Lee.
Continue readingWhat can we learn from 800,000 public comments on the FCC’s net neutrality plan?
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposed rules regarding net neutrality resulted in the commission’s largest-ever public comment collection. Use this visualization to browse the hundreds of thousands of documents in a simple and manageable way.
Continue readingDeath by Law Enforcement: What the data tells us – and what it doesn’t
In Missouri, black people are killed by law enforcement twice as frequently as white people. Nationwide, the rate at which black people are killed by law enforcement is 3 times higher than that of white people, according to the CDC.
Continue readingUnblight Unconference: housing advocates and civic hackers convene to tackle blight and property data
The Unblight Unconference galvanized policy makers, technologists and organizers from across the country to more deeply explore the challenges pertaining to vacant and blighted properties while exchanging ideas and developing solutions.
Continue readingDuring DEFCON the FTC doubles down on hacker games with Zapping Rachel
What happens in Vegas may not stay there: The Federal Trade Commission is looking to the hacker community for help eliminating robocalls.
Continue readingFCC releases Open Internet comments in bulk
This afternoon, the FCC announced the release of a bulk, machine-readable archive of the more than 1.1 million comments they received during the first comment period of their Open Internet rulemaking proceeding.
Continue readingA lesson learned from the beleaguered NTIS
The National Technology Information Service once endeavored to provide a centralized and organized location for government documents. Now, its potential demise is a call for more effective information disclosure among government agencies.
Continue readingRegister for “Unblight”: A community unconference on housing data, August 14-15
Sunlight Foundation, together with the Center for Collaborative Journalism at Mercer University will be hosting Unblight: a community unconference on housing and property data in Macon, Georgia on August 14-15, 2014.
Continue readingRethinking OpenCongress: design update
Over the last couple of months, we've been synthesizing the results of our research and working to develop an OpenCongress that will be clear, informative and modular.
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