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2Day in #OpenGov 9/20/2011


Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here's Tuesday's look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Open Government Partnership

  • The global Open Government Partnership will launch today in New York. President Obama and 7 other heads of state will announce their action plans for promoting open government at the UN. Follow along with a liveblog. (O'Reilly Radar)
  • Google is hosting The Power of Open: A Global Discussion at their New York offices as part of the launch. The event will be streamed live. (techPresident)
  • The UK may tie future international aid funding to transparency measures. The plan, which British officials will present as part of their commitment to the Open Government Partnership, would withhold aid from countries that fail to detail how international funds are spent. (Yahoo/AP)
  • Late last week the White House released a status report on its open government initiative. The report attempts to counter criticism while touting the Obama administration's progress on its transparency goals. (nextgov) Proposed budget cuts could provide serious setbacks to government transparency efforts, however. (iwatchnews)
  • The retail industry is planning to beef up its lobbying operations in Washington. The National Retail Federation has upped its budget by $10 million and hired new government relations and communications staff to bolster their efforts. (WSJ $)
  • The Republican National Lawyers Association has filed an ethics complaint against Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), chair of the Democratic National Committee. The complaint was filed in response to a video released by the DNC last week that the RNLA believes violated House ethics rules. (Yahoo/Daily Caller)
State and Local
  • Philadelphia has partnered with private firms, not-for-profits, universities, and other partners on Open Data Philly. The website, operated through a public-private partnership, is part of a wider effort to release municipal data-sets in open, developer friendly formats. (govfresh)
  • Six independent filmmakers with ties to the BBC have been detained in Iran. According to Iranian state television the filmmakers were arrested for providing BBC Persian with negative news reports about Iran and its government. (Yahoo/AP)

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2Day in #OpenGov 9/19/2011


Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here's Monday's look at the week's transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Super Committee

  • Over the past year "bundlers" have directed $1.6 million to members of the Super Committee and House and Senate campaign committees. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash), co-chair of the committee, has received the most cash from these sources, but other members have also benefited. (Politico)
Presidential Candidates
  • Herman Cain has been touting a new economic plan, but refusing to disclose the names of those who helped him create it. (Washington Times)
  • Rick Perry's surge in popularity has also brought increased attention to his,not-so-transparent record. The litany of issues is a stark contrast to the Perry campaign's stated commitment to transparency. (Politico)
  • 2010 was a very lucrative year outside the halls of Congress for lawmakers. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, outside income reported by members of Congress tripled between 2006 and 2010. (National Journal)
  • The Government Printing office is going to begin blogging in conjunction with the Federal Deposit Library Program. They hope to share their professional expertise and perspectives with other like minded individuals. (FDLP)
  • The Federal Government is looking to upgrade their web presence, and wants advice from the public. The National Dialogue to Improve Federal Websites will ask the public to help guide how federal websites are created and managed. (Federal Times)
  • Competition is heating up among contractors competing for $2.5 billion worth of government funds dedicated to providing cloud based email services for government agencies. (Politico)
  • According to a new study by the Ethisphere Institute, allowing employees to work from home reduces their rate of ethics violations. (Federal Computer Week)
  • Myanmar lifted bans on many prominent news websites and began allowing access to YouTube late last week. The change came the day after a U.S. Special Envoy ended his first trip to the notoriously restrictive country. (Yahoo/Reuters)

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