As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Looking to Help “The Man”, Turning in My Chief Evangelist Badge


“What we’ve learned from the Open House Project,” said Sunlight’s Greg Elin, “is that whenever we sit outside and build things, we learn that there are people inside who want to do the same thing.” That's me, quoted in Matthew Burton's 2008 essay, Why I Help "The Man", and Why You Should, Too. I've been thinking a lot about that quote and Burton's argument. I've been thinking I might like to be one of those people, "inside", taking advantage of the good stuff happening "outside". That's why I'm blogging my decision to resign as Chief Evangelist and conclude three years of consultancy with the wonderfully productive Sunlight Foundation in order to explore ways to more directly help the government build great web sites and embrace Government 2.0.

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