Legislative Sleuths
There are really a surprising number of Websites that track legislative activity, most of them the result of enterprising individuals. Probably the database with the biggest reach is the one maintained by the Washington Post. Project Vote Smart’s probably has the longest history. TechPolitics (which houses and mashes census data and other government information along with voting records and provides bill tracking) focuses on House votes and is headed by the very accomplished Ken Colburn. GovTrac, founded and run by linguistics’s graduate student Joshua Tauberer,has an automated system to track bills, issue-by-issue, Congress-wide.
Then there’s Congress Merge, Voter Information Services’ Congressional Toolbox, and Progressive Punch, the latter of which has a really friendly interface.
I’m guessing there are a lot more of these sites and I’d like to build a really comprehensive list. My sense is that a lot of these folks do not know one another and that there might be some kind of terrific synergy out there waiting to happen if Sunlight can connect them.
Let me know what I am missing so we can compile a comprehensive list. And of course, we’ll make it available.