Hiring Developers to Help Open Up Government


The Sunlight Foundation’s technology team is growing. Help us manage the Sunlight Labs community by becoming a developer here at Sunlight. Right now we’re hiring for a few positions:

  1. A developer with strong data and analytics skills for our Data Commons team
  2. Two creative, well versed developers for our Tools and Engagement team
  3. One more developer for our SubsidyScope team

If you’ve been thinking about a career-change, or if you’re interested in getting into the realm of using your skills to change government, working on our tech team is a great opportunity.

I lead our team. What I’m committed to is, and what I believe my full time job is, is creating a compelling, fun work environment that keeps our team members and community engaged. What we’re trying to do on our team is three-fold:

  1. Build a community of volunteer sophisticated open source developers who want to change their government. We do this through things like our hackathons and our Apps for America contest.

  2. Build a tech team at the Sunlight Foundation that builds great tools for citizens and journalists to better see what their government is doing, who is influencing it, and how their money is being spent.

  3. Support the overall mission of the Sunlight Foundation

If you’re a great developer who wants to start using their skills to make a real difference in America, this is an opportunity for you. Send in your resume and let’s talk.