- Former Representative Gabby Giffords is staffing her PAC, Americans for Responsible Solutions, with some top Democratic names. In addition to former members of her personal staff, Giffords has looked to EMILY's List, and a number of top strategists for help. (Roll Call)
- As they try to recover from the rubble of the economic collapse and their government bailout, General Motors and Chrysler are rebuilding their once-potent lobbying operations. Both have spent more than $5 million a year since 2011 to influence the government that saved them. (Politico $)
- Recently retired House Parliamentarian John Sullivan is taking a job in Google's Washington office. Sullivan, who worked in the parliamentarians office for 25 years, will serve as a policy counsel. (Politico)
- Al Jazeera America, which recently made waves by buying Al Gore's Current TV, is tuning into the lobbying game. They recently hired lobbying firm DLA Piper. (The Hill)
- A group of GPS companies, including Deere, Garmin, and Trimble, are launching the GPS Innovation Alliance this week. The group grew out of efforts to defeat wireless startup LightSquared and will lobby on a range of issues. (The Hill)
- During last night's State of the Union address, President Obama promised more transparency in the way that his administration handles counter-terrorism operations. (Huffington Post)