Donald Trump at a rally in Reno, Nevada, on January 10, 2016. (Photo credit: Darron Birgenheier/Flickr)On Tuesday morning, President-elect Donald... View Article
Continue readingDonald Trump at a rally in Reno, Nevada, on January 10, 2016. (Photo credit: Darron Birgenheier/Flickr)On Tuesday morning, President-elect Donald... View Article
Continue readingTo prevent even the appearance of corruption, Donald Trump must take swift action to eliminate the numerous conflicts of interest stemming from his business empire.
Continue readingOne of Donald Trump's campaign promises was to "drain the swamp" in Washington. He's not off to a great start.
Continue readingThe presidential election and U.S congressional races have taken up a lot of oxygen in the room this cycle, but as we predicted, there’s also a lot going on at the state and local level.
Continue readingCampaigns may not accept contributions from foreign nationals, but it might be happening anyways. One question remains: Will the feds do something about it?
Continue readingFor the first time, Donald Trump is actually getting hit by a strong opposition super PAC campaign.
Continue readingThe presidential debates present a clear opportunity to press the candidates for answers on important questions about transparency. Here are some of the questions we'd like to see the candidates answer.
Continue readingTrump is the first major party candidate in roughly forty years to break away with the presidential candidate tradition of disclosing tax returns.
Continue readingFor four decades, it has been customary for presidential candidates to release his/her tax returns to the American people. While not required by law, it was a measure of transparency that we as a country seemed to agree was important following the Watergate scandal. Why is Donald Trump avoiding this common practice of transparency?
Continue readingThe NRA is known for its wide-ranging campaign contributions — but its spending on ads is arguably even more powerful.
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