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Partying for Madison


We didn’t just have a typical DC happy hour this past Monday to kick off Sunshine Week, instead we had a birthday party in James Madison’s honor at the appropriately themed Cause: PhilanthroPub (where a portion of their profits goes to the charity of your choice). Transparency advocates from Sunlight, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW),, Project on Government Oversight (POGO), Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press and many more organizations were on hand to sing Happy Birthday to Madison, who is considered to be the Founding Father of Freedom of Information. The evening, complete with birthday cake, was a nice opportunity to unwind ahead of the week long festivities.

Stay on top of Sunshine Week events, by visiting:

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2Day in #OpenGov 3/13/2013



  • John Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. under President George W. Bush, is looking to lead two new political action committees aimed at "restoring national security issues to their proper place on the political agenda." One of the groups will be a super PAC. (Public Integrity)
  • Warning: there are only five days left to apply for round two of the Presidential Innovation Fellows program. (Tech President)
  • Freshman Democrats are following an aggressive  fundraising campaign, reportedly aiming to get the entire class to raise 100% of their dues, normally between $125,000 and $300,000 to the campaign committees.  (Washington Times, The Hill)
  • New York State's new open data portal,, launched on Monday. In addition to data from every state agency, the portal will tie in municipalities statewide. (Tech President)
  • A new European open data portal combines geo-information from 45 countries and territories. EuroGlobalMap includes information on administrative boundaries, transit networks, water, elevation, and more.  (Future Gov)
  • Since 2001 the FEC has specifically allowed candidates to pay family members with their campaign funds. If you guessed that the rule came from a request by disgraced former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., give yourself a pat on the back. (Roll Call)

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2Day in #OpenGov 3/12/2013



  • The Center for Effective Government kicked off Sunshine Week with a report recommending steps that Federal agencies can take to become more open. Overall the report gives the Obama administration mixed reviews, with a great deal of criticism on national security issues. (Government Executive)
  • Today in the continuing saga of Obama's influence group Organizing for Action: Press Secretary Jay Carney compared the supposedly non-political non-partisan OFA to the political and partisan DCCC, DSCC, and DNC, President Obama is slated to speak at a Wednesday night dinner for large donors to OFA, and other politicians have tread this controversial line in the recent past, specifically NY Governor Andrew Cuomo. (PoliticoWashington PostRoll Call)
  • Illinois is hoping to spread civic innovation outside of Chicago and into the suburbs and countryside. The Illinois Technology Challenge promises $75,000 in prizes for projects that use state or city data in applications targeted outside of the Windy City. (Tech President)
  • Mitch McConnell hopped on the #standwithrand fundraising train with an email comparing the two Senators, noting that they will both be likely targets of Democratic attacks, and urging donations to his reelection campaign. (Washington Post)
  • Former Senator Scott Brown joined a number of former elected officials at Nixon Peabody LLP. He will serve as a counsel in its Boston office, focusing on government and business affairs. (Politico)
  • Toyota's North American arm has formed a PAC, which can raise money from eligible employees. The automaker already spends more than $3 million annually on lobbying. (Public Integrity)

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