As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Today in OpenGov: All the President’s Rent


In today's edition, a year of public mendacity takes its toll on White House credibility, potential 2020 presidential contenders shun corporate PAC money, the Trump's are collecting $175 million in previously un-explored rent, Israeli police recommend corruption charges against the prime minister, New Mexico faces challenges as it tries to implement transparency reforms, and more.

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Today in OpenGov: Withdrawn


In today's edition, President Trump's controversial Census pick withdraws from consideration, a new tool tries to make it easier to call Congress, global threats to journalism, open data expansion in Delaware, and more.  

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Today in OpenGov: First Class


In today's edition, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's First Class habit, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes' "news" site, how Facebook's trouble with Seattle might expand, Azerbaijan blocks websites ahead of elections, and more. 

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Today in OpenGov: Watching the watchers


In today's edition, we stay up to date on President Trump's conflicts, a major tech trade group lines up to support a Senate effort to bring back net neutrality, 9 cities are certified as open data pioneers, a tool to monitor political ads on Facebook gains traction, and more. 

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Today in OpenGov: Withholdings


In today's edition, the GREAT Act moves forward, Seattle and Washington, DC dominate our city related headlines, a moment of reflection around some Trump administration actions, and more. 

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Facebook’s opacity in Seattle shows why self-regulation on digital disclosure isn’t enough


The public should be able to easily see the source of campaign ads though disclaimers and online disclosures, no matter where we live or what network, platform or device we view them on, so that we can understand who is seeking to influence our elections. Transparency is a necessary but insufficient measure to detect and deter influence, whatever city or state people live in.

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CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) Today 59063

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