This is a story about the reality of public access to data about public housing in Atlanta, and what it takes for a young journalist to use modern technology to inform the public about our own communities.
Continue readingThis is a story about the reality of public access to data about public housing in Atlanta, and what it takes for a young journalist to use modern technology to inform the public about our own communities.
Continue readingEarlier this week, we highlighted a serious lack of transparency in the actions of Georgia’s executive branch. Happily, the Governor’s administration finally agreed yesterday that it’s time to bring the executive orders back into public view.
Continue readingStates have complex levels of authority over municipalities, but that doesn't stop cities from crafting transparency reforms that lead locally and could impact state operations, too.
This week, Atlanta proved to be a great example of such leadership. The city council unanimously approved an amendment to the open meetings ordinance making it stronger than the language of Georgia's state law.
The events leading up to this change are explained in this story by Matthew Charles Cardinale of Atlanta Progressive News. Cardinale helped draft and push for the legislation after filing a lawsuit challenging closed-door sessions of city council committee meetings. Cardinale argued that there was case law, decided by the Court of Appeals of Georgia, supporting his position that even some meetings without a quorum of members have to be open to the public. State law only explicitly states that meetings with a quorum have to be open.
Continue readingThis Sunshine Week is bringing in a series of remarkable citizens around the nation — showing us that everyone can... View Article
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