Even though Canada has taken the most positive steps among the G7, there is still room for improvement for their municipal policies regarding what data should be public, how to make data public and how to implement policy.
Continue readingReminder: Your senators (probably) still file campaign reports on paper
The Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act is a simple measure that would require that Senate candidates file their mandatory campaign disclosure reports online with the FEC.
Continue readingGoing to OKFest? Help us connect and share knowledge across the opengov community
Coming to OKFest in Berlin next week? Help us figure out how to better connect the open government community.
Continue readingAgencies fail to deliver a plan to deliver the data
Eight of the 29 federal executive branch agencies that are required to publish Open Government Plans in compliance with the president's Open Government Directive to have yet to do so.
Continue readingLet’s talk lobbying and transparency at Open Knowledge Festival 2014
Come join our Lobby Regulation and Transparency session at OKFestival2014! Hear about the challenges activists face when trying to introduce lobbying regulation, then brainstorm how we can translate lobbying data into stories anyone can relate to.
Continue readingHelp us ‘crowdscrape’ 10 million data points through #FlashHacks
Sunlight is joining OpenCorporates in their campaign to liberate 10 million data points in 10 days. Take part in our #FlashHack and help us reach our target!
Continue readingJoin the conversation about global political finance transparency
Join the Money, Politics and Transparency Google Group so that we can start an ongoing, online conversation on successes, failures, reforms, scandals, questions and answers on international political finance.
Continue readingMás allá de los negocios: Impactos de los datos abiertos
As a way to spread the word about the important benefits of open data, former Sunlight fellow Iris Palma translated into Spanish both our observations on how open data helps the public achieve a variety of important goals.
Continue readingWhen open data isn’t enough
If we want governments to be truly transparent, we need both reactive information disclosure and proactive access to information.
Continue readingTransparency Case Study: Lobbying disclosure in Hungary
Lobbying regulation in Hungary provides a trenchant reminder that the political culture and context in which reform is undertaken can have a profound impact on how a law is implemented, and whether it succeeds.
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