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2Day in #OpenGov 12/9/2011


Here is the week's last look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Campaign Finance

  • Independent political groups have already spent four times as much money on the 2012 GOP primary than at the same point in 2008. (Washington Post)
  • A Pro-Mitt Romney Super PAC is preparing to pump even more money into the race. The PAC will launch a $3.1 million ad assault in Iowa. (Washington Post)
Access to Information
  • Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) created an online storehouse for information on the Justice Department's controversial Fast and Furious program. (Politico)
  • Rapper and businessman Jay-Z, with an estimated net worth of $500 million, expressed support for higher taxes on wealthy Americans, provided that the government institute "open accounting" standards so the public can be sure that the money is being spent on good causes. (Politico)
  • House Republicans are concerned that the Obama administration is refusing to turn over documents relating to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan's role working on legal strategy related to the administration's health care law when she was Solicitor General. Conservative groups want Justice Kagan to recuse herself from ruling on health care cases. (Washington Times)
  • Two senior hill aides at the center of the fight between Hollywood and Silicon Valley over online piracy legislation are stepping through the revolving door and heading for K street. Former aides to Lamar Smith (R-TX) and the Senate Judiciary Committee minority staff are joining the government affairs offices of two major media organizations. (Politico)
  • The Hawaii Ethical Lobbying Association exists to promote ethics in lobbying and good government in the state. (Lobby Comply)

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2Day in #OpenGov 12/8/2011


Here is Thursday's look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Government

  • White House officials, along with several members of Congress, are fighting to maintain the E-Gov fund's budget and ensure that sites such as don't go dark. (Politico)
  • Last night, at the first ever Congressional Hackathon, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) argued that should be contain more data that is easily accessible by social media and third party applications. (GovFresh)
  • Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) are expected to release alternative legislation to counter the Stop Online Privacy Act. SOPA is supported by traditional media groups and other copyright and trademark owners, but vehemently opposed by tech companies, venture capitalists, and privacy advocates. (National Journal)
Campaign Finance
  • Some vulnerable centrist Democratic Senators may have trouble raising money and support from progressive groups. This could cause headaches for the Democratic party as they try to maintain control of the Senate. (Politico)
  • This time of year America is focused on two things: Football and the holidays. Lawmakers are no different and several are hosting specially themed fundraisers. (National Journal)
State and Local
  • A new project, Chicago Lobbyists, helps visualize all interactions and activities between lobbyists and the city of Chicago. Its developer touts the site's potential to "inform and change people's perception of government and lobbyists". The city is cooperating with the project. (GovFresh)
  • An federal district court judge has ruled that a blogger does not have the same protections, related to alleged defamatory statements, as a traditional journalist under Oregon law. The judge interpreted the law in question to exclude "internet blogs" from protected media. (techPresident)

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