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Tag Archive: Uncategorized

Today in OpenGov: States face open government challenges


In today's edition, we check in on challenges to Freedom of Information at the state level, President Trump keeps up his assault on the media, we weigh in on how agencies can use travel transparency to rebuild public trust, the DHS wants to use open data to fight biothreats, and more. 

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Today in OpenGov: Vetoing tax transparency


In today's edition, some Mar-a-Lago members aren't so sure about the administration's lack of visitor records, the GAO will review the mystery of the FCC's jammed online comment system, Iowa is mapping all of its bridges, we pay our respects to a murdered Maltese journalist, and more. 

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Today in OpenGov: Is underfunding putting federal statistics at risk?


Before we dive into today's top open government news, we would like to share a great opportunity to engage. Our friends at MuckRock are looking for feedback as they think about the future. We urge you to consider taking their survey, which should take 15 minutes and include questions applicable to readers of the MuckRock blog, regular users of their FOI services, or anyone who supports their work in other ways.  Once you've done that, read on for today's look at open government news. 

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Today in OpenGov: Is FEMA heading down a memory hole?


In today's edition, we lament that $90,000 in a freezer might not be enough for a corruption conviction any more, the Secret Service isn't tracking presidential visitors to Mar-a-Lago, local investigative reporting is getting a boost, Brazil takes a questionable step towards public financing of elections, and more. 

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