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Tag Archive: Uncategorized

Today in OpenGov: Sunshine laws under pressure in state legislatures


In today's edition, we wrap up a busy weekend in the open government world with the latest intersections between President Trump's businesses and his official duties, another attempt by Congress to block public knowledge into its correspondence with federal agencies, lessons in tactical urbanism on PARK(ing) Day, and much more.  Before you jump in, don't forget that tomorrow at 1:00 PM EST we'll be hosting a kickoff discussion for  the Tactical Data Engagement guide. The discussion will feature speakers from Sunlight, Reboot, the city of Madison, Wisconsin, and more. Register for the webinar here. 

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Today in OpenGov: Is the best offense a good legal defense fund?


The city of Arlington, Texas is currently accepting comments on their draft open data policy. We encourage you to head over to their page on Madison, read the policy, and consider weighing in with your feedback.  Once that's done, read on for all the day's open government news, including a highly questionable decision by the Office of Government Ethics, a nominee for the FEC, social media censorship in India, and much more.

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Today in OpenGov: Connecting government


In today's overview of open government news, we look at the key role that open data will play as American communities work to rebuild following the devastation of hurricane's Irma and Harvey. We also share new research on fake news, global approaches to facts and information, and tech-powered civic engagement.  Read on for all that, plus much more from Washington, DC, around the United States, and across the globe. 

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Today in OpenGov: The ATF’s public-private slush fund


"Company lawyers descended on the warehouse, seizing everything. A tobacco company had just raided the A.T.F." - Matt Appuzo, New York Times Read on for the full story behind that hard-to-believe quote, plus the rest of the weekend's top open government stories from Washington, around the United States, and across the globe. 

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Today in OpenGov: Fakebooking


In today's edition, we get excited for the official launch of our Tactical Data Engagement guide, MuckRock looks at the DACA database, important questions get asked about tracking political ads online, a new site should help improve EU budget transparency, and more...

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Today in OpenGov: Play to Sway


Today, the House Ways and Means Committee is slated to markup H.Res 479. which would direct the Secretary of the Treasury to provide the House of Representatives with President Trump's tax returns as well as the tax returns of each business entity that he disclosed on his Office of Government Ethics forms. We encourage you to contact the committee and urge them to pass the bill.    Read on for the rest of the day's open government news from Washington, DC and across the United States. 

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