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Today in OpenGov: Accelerating investigations


This week, Congress returns from its August break and several committees are expected to devote renewed energy to investigations into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election. Read on for more on that story, plus the latest open government news from Washington, around the United States, and across the globe.

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Today in OpenGov: Happy Labor Day!


After one last summer break, we're back with our daily roundup of open government news from Washington, across the United States, and across the world! Today, we're highlighting some of the biggest stories -- and our own work -- over the past week.  We'll be back tomorrow with a more granular look at the day's open government news. Please email us at and share what we missed.

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Today in OpenGov: Applied ethics


Today, we're thinking about how to boost flagging citizen confidence in public institutions. In the Pacific Standard, Hollie Russon-Gilman and Tiago Carneiro Peixoto explore the growing move towards participatory budgeting programs across the globe. The research shows that "when governments listen, citizens reward them both politically and financially..." through increased electoral support and decreased tax delinquency.  Read on for the rest of the day's open government news, including a trip to Durham to talk open data, the USDA's ethics app, the latest on the Trump administration's attempt to obtain data on anti-inauguration protesters, and more...

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Today in OpenGov: Very Dishonest


Earlier this week, President Trump renewed his attacks on the media, calling journalists "dishonest" and "bad people" at a rally in Phoenix, AZ. Needless to say, we disagree with the President. Journalists are the immune system of democracy and all politicians should be prepared to speak up and defend the freedom of the press.  In moments like these it's important for all Americans to follow and support individuals and organizations who work to protect and defend journalists in the United States and around the world. 

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Today in OpenGov: City diplomacy


In today's edition we argue for whistleblower rights, explore how the Trump Organization has benefitted from GOP political spending this year, make the case for open data to boost cooperation among cities around the world, and much more. 

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Today in OpenGov: On Eclipse Day, sunshine in government matters more than ever


After some much-needed summer vacation, we're back with our daily roundup of open government news from Washington, across the United States, and across the world! Today, we're highlighting the biggest stories that came out while we were offline. We'll be back tomorrow with a more granular look at the day's open government news. Please email us at and share what we missed.

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Today in OpenGov: Is there a leak crackdown ahead?


A quick reminder before we dig into today's open government news. If you are still relying on Sunlight's Congress API please begin to transition to ProPublica's API. The Sunlight Congress API will shut down as of August 31.  Read on for stories on on data-driven efforts to reduce traffic fatalities, the Congressional app challenge, the White House communications office's war against leaks, and much more.

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Today in OpenGov: Irregular order


In today's edition, we're running out of new ways to describe what's happening in the Senate or what the President of the United States is saying on Twitter. Read on to hear about that, plus the annual Whistleblower Summit coming up on Thursday and Friday, various ways that foreign governments can legally influence elections,  our concerns over attempts to defund the Congressional Budget Office, and much more.

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