As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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The phone booth caucus: House Democratic freshmen


Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Ala.Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Ala., the first black woman elected to Congress from Alabama, is the president of this year's small Democratic freshmen class. Those nine freshmen, dubbed the "noble nine" by supporters, elected the Harvard-educated lawyer as the leader of a small, but diverse class that includes four women, four African Americans and one openly gay member and one who identifies as Buddhist.

After winning her first House term with 73% of the vote in Alabama's 7th Congressional District, Sewell established herself as a reliably liberal vote. She supported the president's health care bill as well as ...

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Headlining the RNC Convention: Fundraisers, Lobbyists and Shadowy Nonprofits


Once upon a time, the national Democratic and Republican political conventions were all about writing political platforms and nominating a presidential ticket. Once upon a time, convention planners relied heavily on public financing.

Now, with the main business already settled before the first gavel goes down, conventions are all about partying and access, and the bulk of the show is underwritten by corporate and other private money

Next week's Republican gathering in Tampa features more than 150 events of various kinds – policy talks to late night bashes to campaign fundraisers -- according to event schedules and other invitations we have ...

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Profile: Rick Berg


Party: Republican
State and District: North Dakota, 1
Born: Aug. 16, 1959 Hettinger, N.D.
Campaign cash raised: $6,364,759
Money from businesses that lobby: $1,384,525
Money from leadership PACs: $374,726
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $2,678,539 / $2,878,405 
At-risk in November? Yes
Outside group spending: $35,595.78 in opposition
Net worth in 2010: $12,146,147 to $54,979,033
Net worth in 2011: $22,656,129 to $64,735,994


Berg's Capitol Words profile

How we compiled this information

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Rape by any other name


Updated 3:32 p.m.

The political firestorm that Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., ignited with his now-recanted claim that  women rarely getting pregnant from “legitimate rape" has focused attention on an unusual fact about the crime: When speaking of it, politicians often use a qualifier.

A search of the Congressional Record using the Sunlight Foundation's Capitol Words tool shows no instances of other lawmakers using the phrase or advancing the odd biological theory that has led Republican leaders from Mitt Romney to Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to urge Akin -- a member of the House Science Committee ...

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