As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Today in OpenGov: Where FOIA doesn’t go


In today's edition, the Wisconsin Senate disapproves of the State's ethics and elections leaders, MuckRock explains why it's not worth trying to FOIA the White House and where your efforts would be better directed, tech giants make 2017 a big year for lobbying, bad news for a Russian opposition leader, and more. 

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Today in OpenGov: Under pressure


In today's edition, the federal government reopens, Facebook starts to face the facts, Ryan Zinke fails to disclose, varied interests boost their lobbying investment, we launch our crowdlaw guide, and more. 

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Make open data policy more participatory with our new crowdlaw guide


Crowdlaw and open data policies are uniquely suited for one another: both are rooted in the principle that democratic government is a participatory and collaborative exercise. Successful crowdlaw processes require more than simply posting a draft policy language online, however. Our new guide is designed to help city staff make this process as robust and inclusive as possible.

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Today in OpenGov: Closed government


As of Monday morning, the U.S. federal government is officially shut down. The Senate has a vote scheduled for 12 PM EST, but it is still unclear if there is a deal in place to fund the government.  Despite the closed government in Washington, it was a busy weekend for open government news. Read on for all the latest, including an attempt to undermine Congress' independent ethics office, a look at how President Trump handles his political money, renewed anti-corruption protests in Romania, and more.

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6 Ways to Free the Freedom of Information Act

David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, invites the public to visit the National Archives during Sunshine Week on March 12, 2018.

In its first meeting of 2018, the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee unanimously voted to approve a series of recommendations. If implemented, they would improve transparency, accountability and efficiency in administering the nation's preeminent public records law at federal government agencies. Bonus news: a new is coming soon.

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Today in OpenGov: Shut it down?


In today's edition, Washington inches closer to a government shutdown, several Trump administration figures face conflict questions, Idaho lawmakers opt out of disclosing their finances, attempts to remove a key anti-corruption official face backlash in Portugal, and more.

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Today in OpenGov: Faking it


In today's edition, President Trump announces his "fake news" awards, there were more FOIA lawsuits in 2017, the House makes moves on foreign lobbying reform, What Works Cities reaches a milestone, world press freedom is ranked, and much more. 

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Today in OpenGov: Subpoenas


Quote of the day: “Only truth and transparency can guarantee freedom.” - Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Read on for the rest of the days open government news including, piloting our ideas around tactical data engagement, a subpoena for Stephen Bannon, a meeting of the FOIA Advisory Committee, and more. 

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