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Tag Archive: Appropriations

In House and Senate, appropriators got most contributions from earmark recipients


The Center for Responsive Politics and Taxpayers for Common Sense -- two of our favorite organizations -- have released their comprehensive earmark and influence database for fiscal year 2010 requests.

Among House members, Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., a member of the Appropriations Committee, tops the list of members who have gotten campaign contributions from earmark recipients (complete breakdown here). Interesting to note that Moran's top donor so far, Mantech International, got a $2 million earmark from the Northern Virginia congressman.

In the Senate, Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye received the most contributions from earmark beneficiaries. Inouye secured earmarks for his ...

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Ensuring 72 Hours for Remaining Spending Bills


It's looking extremely likely that Congress will take up debate of six massive appropriations (read: "spending") bills this week by combining them into one big omnibus bill and trying to pass them all at once. Assuming that does indeed come to pass, it's imperative that the House and Senate allow members of Congress, the media, and the public the necessary time to understand how our money is to be spent by putting the entire omnibus bill online for at least 72 hours before it's debated.

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Political Party Time: More than 170 fundraisers for appropriators (already!) in 2009


We're just past the end of the first quarter of the current election cycle (with seven more to go before it's all over), but members of the Appropriations Committees in the House and the Senate have already had <a href="">more than 170 fundraisers</a>, according to my colleague Nancy Watzman.

A few thoughts: Earmark season (why do I imagine a lobbyist dressed up like Elmer Fudd?) comes early in the year--requests had to be submitted to members by April 3 in the House; for the Senate they'll start ...

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Appropriations Omnibus released


The House Committee on Rules has released the latest legislative tome -- this time, the rest of the FY2009 appropriations. The Labor-HHS-Education portion of the report -- available here -- is packed with earmarks. If you can download the pdf (I had trouble getting it to go), check pages 81 to 84 -- lots of earmarks in small type -- but no sponsor names (unless I'm missing something).

(Update I am -- lots of pages of lists at the bottom of the document, which didn't load completely the first time I tried to get into it...

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