On May 9th, federal agencies will officially begin reporting data in compliance with the open standards created under the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, the landmark legislation that cleared Congress in 2014.
Continue readingOn May 9th, federal agencies will officially begin reporting data in compliance with the open standards created under the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, the landmark legislation that cleared Congress in 2014.
Continue readingLast night the House took an important bipartisan step towards greater government transparency by passing the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, H.R. 2061 (DATA Act) on a near unanimous vote.
The DATA Act will significantly improve the transparency of federal spending data, as well as make it easier to use, by instituting strong, government-wide financial data standards. It will also ensure that more, and more accurate, data is made publicly available.
Yesterday morning, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs considered and passed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act) on a voice vote. The original legislation, introduced by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Mark Warner (D-VA), was replaced by an amendment in the nature of a substitute co-introduced by a number of committee members, including Senator Portman, and passed unanimously.
The amended legislation retains the soul of the original bill, which aims to standardize and open federal spending data, while making some concerning changes. Specifically, the Senate's new version scraps strong accountability mechanisms in an effort to keep costs down and fails to solve some governance problems that have long limited accurate federal spending data.
Improved federal spending transparency was the topic of today’s Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee hearing, which focused on the... View Article
Continue readingAt 1:55 pm, the House of Representatives agreed by voice vote to pass the DATA Act, HR 2146, after 25... View Article
Continue readingAround 3pm today, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on passage of the DATA Act, and we hope that it... View Article
Continue readingOver the last year, the DATA Act has improved significantly as it has gone through the legislative process — and... View Article
Continue reading24 organizations today called upon the House of Representatives to pass the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act. The DATA Act... View Article
Continue readingHere’s the text of Rep. Cantor’s remarks: “Mr. Speaker, the House will consider a number of bills under suspension of... View Article
Continue readingIn anticipation of a House vote, today a major transparency bill was posted online for public comment by the Committee... View Article
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