Photo Credit: Pexels cc March 27th- April 10th Open Data and COVID-19: Eric Jaffe outlines how Taiwan’s digital infrastructure and... View Article
Continue readingCommunity engagement and open data: impact framework applications

We applied our Community Engagement Impact Framework to the open data programs of Louisville and Pittsburgh.
Continue readingAs urban transportation evolves, open data is crucial for an informed public

It’s crucial for the public to have data on transportation so they can be informed participants in government decision-making.
Continue readingTransparency can help transit agencies earn public trust

A number of transit agencies face crises of public confidence, and greater transparency can help address this.
Continue readingOur new Roadmap to Informed Communities offers tools for community-centered open data

We’re excited to launch a new set of tools for local governments to collaborate with community members around important issues using open data.
Continue readingBeyond open data policy

Earlier this year, Sunlight’s Open Cities team updated its mission to reflect a shifting tide within our team and in... View Article
Continue readingExplore policy language meeting our Open Data Policy Guidelines

Last week we released our Open Data Policy Hub, a one-stop shop for learning how to write an open data policy and getting started. This week, we want to highlight one feature in particular: matching policy text to our Open Data Policy Guidelines.
Continue readingUse our new tools to learn about community data needs

Starting an open data project? You’ll need to investigate “who” is out there, “what” data they might need, and “why” they care.
Continue readingSiblings or silos: How do open data and FOIA work together?

We’re conducting new research to understand how adopting open data policies affects the number of FOIA requests cities receive, who submits requests, and the type of information citizens seek.
Continue readingWe’re collecting user personas for open data — send us yours!

We’re collecting all existing examples of cities’ user personas for open data and government websites, and developing best practices for other cities that are looking to create them.
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