The Sunlight Foundation's Politwoops U.S. adaptation of the original turns one-year-old today and it has certainly made an impression.
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Rep. Cohen: I Gamed Politwoops to Get Out Message
Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., says he recently utilized the Sunlight Foundation's Politwoops site that monitors deleted tweets from politicians to stage an elaborate trick on the media (or ethics lesson, depending on how you see it), saying, "The best way to get a message out is to tweet and delete."
Continue readingElizabeth Colbert Busch Cleans Her (Twitter) House Before Special Election
Elizabeth Colbert Busch, the Democratic nominee for South Carolina's 1st Congressional District, deleted more than 500 tweets from her campaign Twitter account this morning.
Continue readingPro-CISPA Lawmaker Deletes Retweet about Money Received from Pro-CISPA Groups
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), a co-sponsor and major supporter of the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), deleted a retweet of an analysis of contributions to lawmakers from pro-CISPA companies.
Continue readingConyers deletes Rand Paul shoutout
(Updated 12:15 p.m. 3/11)
When Sen. Rand Paul tied the Senate up in knots for a day last week to make a point about the Obama administration's controversial use of drones to assassinate enemies of the U.S., the libertarian Kentucky Republican was hitting on one of those rare issues that unites activists on the political left and right.
Evidence came when veteran Rep. John Conyers, who ranks as one of the most liberal Democrats in the House, tweeted out a "you go" about the Paul filibuster. The 83-year-old Detroit lawmaker was sufficiently hip to use ...
Continue readingState of the Union: What Twoops May Come?
In a few hours, President Obama will deliver the annual State of the Union address to update Congress and the public on his administration's priorities. In addition to the usual contest of claps and ovations v. frowns and silence, there are sure to be many reactions across social media.
Continue readingPolitwoops and Rep. David Schweikert
Some may not remember this now that most members of Congress are on Twitter, but it was once not permitted by Franking rules for our representatives to use Twitter. Sunlight successfully campaigned for those rules to be changed through our Open House Project and in 2008 with our campaign called "Let Our Congress Tweet."
Continue readingRep. Raúl R. Labrador’s Super Bowl Politwoop
Update: Rep. Labrador's office has returned our request for comment and blames a "staff error."
Continue readingThe Post-Election Politwoops of 2012
'Tis the season to lick election-loss wounds by covering your tracks. Since the November elections, our Politwoops project has kept an eye on how members of Congress and candidates communicate with the public through Twitter.
Continue readingSunlight Foundation’s 2012 Annual Report in Video
What a year 2012 has been! We faced an onslaught of unprecedented amounts of political spending. In this post-Citizens United... View Article
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