One year after the massacre at Sandy Hook, an examination of public records by the Sunlight Foundation suggests that the tragedy has been more of a boon for lobbyists and campaign consultants than a call for action.
Continue readingHired guns: K Street revolvers shot blanks against NRA artillery
Gun control groups made a big investment in professional lobbyists after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting but even the K Street top guns were no match for the National Rifle Association.
Continue readingChristmas come early? US Chamber spends $750k in one week
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent $750,000 in the past week on ad buys for mainstream Republican candidates in four races, including Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. and Senate hopeful Rep. Shelly Moore Capito, R-W.V.
Continue readingIRS takes aim at $300 million campaign influence industry
Updated: 11/26; 6 p.m.
Tuesday's surprise announcement that the Internal Revenue Service intends to take aim at campaign spending by so-called social welfare non-profits could substantially alter the political landscape -- if the tax agency's proposed new regulations eventually take effect. That's a big if given the lengthy and, given the stakes involved, highly contentious path ahead.
Outside groups organized as non-profits poured at least $305 million into the 2012 elections, according to Federal Election Commission figures compiled by the Sunlight Foundation. Those figures likely represent the tip of the dark money iceberg as the groups ...
Continue readingHappy Thankgiving! How does campaign cash affect the food on your plate?
Thanksgiving is nearly upon us, with President Barack Obama scheduled to deliver the annual stay of execution for the National Thanksgiving Turkey on Wednesday. But on Capitol Hill, there's less goodwill: An end to the impasse on the farm bill is not in sight. Last year at this time we reported that Congress had let the massive bill that governs farm programs as well as food programs for the needy expired months before the holiday; this year is much the same, with little hope of the lawmakers -- who are off on their own holiday recess -- coming to agreement come ...
Christie brings his clout, fundraising chops to new role as RGA head
As he settles into his new post as chair of the Republican Governors' Association, a look at the fundraising chops of Chris Christie shows the Jerseyite already has substantial national support
Continue readingStockman campaign goes for campaign finance hat trick
The embattled Stockman campaign has struggled to point to a permissible source for the $15,000 it received from two of the congressman's staffers. Though half of the money was reattributed again in the committee's recent slew of amendments, one of the contribution's most recent changes would also seem to have rendered it impermissible.
Continue readingOpenGov Conversations: Tiago Peixoto on Open Data and Citizen Engagement – Disentangling the Relationship
This post is part of our series, OpenGov Conversations, an ongoing discourse featuring contributions from transparency and accountability researchers and practitioners around the world.
This post responds to the following question: What is the role of citizen engagement in the ability of transparency policies and initiatives to hold governments accountable?
As asserted by Jeremy Bentham nearly two centuries ago, “[I]n the same proportion as it is desirable for the governed to know the conduct of their governors, is it also important for the governors to know the real wishes of the governed.” Although Bentham’s historical call may come across as obvious to some, it highlights one of the major shortcomings of the current open government movement: while a strong focus is given to mechanisms to let the governed know the conduct of their governors (i.e. transparency), less attention is given to the means by which the governed can express their wishes (i.e. citizen engagement).
Continue readingBakers group happy to win exemption from food safety law
The American Bakers Association is congratulating the Food and Drug Administration for granting its members an exemption to new food safety rules -- an exemption the trade association has lobbied long and hard to get. It's a case study of how powerful interests lay the groundwork for regulatory wins.
Continue readingBrady Campaign marks anniversary with ad
As Sarah Brady appears Tuesday at the National Press Club to mark the upcoming 20th anniversary of the gun background check law that bears her husband's name, the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence is urging Congress to "finish the job" by expanding background checks to apply to all gun sales.
In a one-minute cartoon style ad, narrated in a lisping, child-like voice, the Brady Campaign -- which Sarah Brady chairs -- asks whether Congress' refusal to extend background checks is a sign that lawmakers are "rooting for the bad guys." Last spring, the Senate voted down a bill to expand ...
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