By designing open data programs around the needs of residents, city governments can build trust with communities, creating new opportunities for accountability and effectiveness. This has the ability to spark positive civic action for the greater good.
Continue readingOn cities, open data, and storytelling: Meet Alex Dodds, our new Open Cities Storyteller
This week, we’re thrilled to welcome Alexandra Dodds to Sunlight's Open Cities team! As Sunlight’s new storyteller, Alex will be sharing how cities are putting their open data policies to use as well as listening to your stories about how cities across the country to make government more transparent and effective. Stephen Larrick, our Open Cities director, sat down with Alex to discuss the perspective she brings to our team and what she’s looking forward working on.
Continue readingStart spreading the news: New York is opening more data today
The City of New York is working on broadening the impact and users of open data in the Big Apple as deadlines mandated in the landmark 2012 law draw nearer.
Continue readingHelp the Open Data Charter learn what helps cities
The experiences of adopting and implementing the Open Data Charter are relatively undocumented. The Charter and Open North want to hear directly from practitioners, learn from their experiences, and share their findings.
Continue readingWord gets around: Chattanooga adopts Facebook chatbot for open data
Inspired by Kansas City’s experiment with a Facebook "chatbot" for open data, Chattanooga has now made their own. This is a great example of how open cities can learn from one another, adopting and adapting innovative tools for their own communities.
Continue readingHow Durham hopes to improve their open data policy through public comment
The City of Durham is taking "crowdlaw" in a different direction, asking people to improve its existing open data policy.
Continue readingCities need your help making better open data policy
Our What Works cities are asking the public to weigh in on draft open data policies. Help us make better policy with, not for, the public.
Continue readingToward more open, data-driven cities
Sharing our progress on the What Works Cities initiative, two years in.
Continue readingHow small cities can do big things with open data
I recently wrote about the Hometown Summit, an event bringing together leaders in government, academia, private and nonprofit organizations from... View Article
Continue readingHow Smaller Cities Can Participate in the Open Data Movement
Last week, I had the opportunity to showcase Sunlight’s latest research on community engagement around open data at the Hometown... View Article
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