For a while now, we have been encouraging folks from across the nation who are either directly or indirectly involved in opening up their governments -- through the work that they do -- to write about their experiences. In our guest blogging program, we have heard from several individuals including technologists, civic hackers, journalists, educators and transparency activists. By opening up the Sunlight platform, for other similar voices to be heard, we have nurtured a spirit of collaborative action that says: You are not alone in the OpenGov movement. Are you doing unique work in your community to make your government more transparent? Maybe you are actively involved in creating special projects that are opening up your local government. We believe that you can spur transparency in your hometown by taking action to demand for openness. Write a guest blog and share your experience with us and the rest of the world. Some of our guest bloggers are citizen activists, website developers, teachers, journalists and local bloggers like you who are unlocking their governments through the work they are doing. Our guest blogging program was created to reach out to the growing yet diverse community of government transparency advocates -- as a way of sparking national discussion on the issues that are shaping their democracy. With that in mind, several folks have written inspiring accounts of how they helped make their leaders more accountable.
2Day in #OpenGov 1/25/2013
- Raymond Baker, founder and director of the advocacy group Global Financial Integrity, argues for financial transparency by explaining how illicit capital flows destabilize economies, threaten security, and hinder human rights. (Trust Law)
- Makers of popular energy drinks Red Bull and Monster are turning to K street for a jolt of influence on Capitol Hill as regulators look at the possible health risks associated with their products. Both brands signed on with powerful lobbying firms for the first time near the end of 2012, spending over $100,000 in the year's waning months. (The Hill)
- While an informal ban on earmarks has ruled congress with a frugal fist over the past few years, a bipartisan team of Senators wants to make it official policy. Senators Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) introduced a measure to permanently ban the practice. A similar bill failed to pass during the 112th Congress. (Roll Call)
- Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is playing host to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie at a fundraiser at his California home. The two have had a relationship since Zuckerberg donated $100 million to Newark, NJ public schools in 2010. (National Journal)
- Members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are pushing President Obama to nominate an Inspector General for the State Department as the Senate considers John Kerry as the agency's next head. State has been without a permanent IG since 2007. (Government Executive)
- A new report ranks the states on how well they provide online access to government spending data. Today, almost every state has a transparency website with state spending information, but some are better than others. (US PIRG)
- The House Ethics Committee announced stricter disclosure requirements on Wednesday. Members and senior staffers will now have to disclose underlying assets in certain investment funds and accounts. (Roll Call)
Utah Introduces Open Data Bill, Invites Public Into the Drafting Process
What if the information that you usually have to “FOIA” or ask your government for under your state’s public records... View Article
Continue reading2Day in #OpenGov 1/24/2013
- Nonprofit Common Crawl is following in Google's footsteps by indexing large amounts of the internet, over five billion pages so far. But, there is one important difference; they're making their database available for free. (Technology Review)
- NextBus, a popular app that provides real-time transit information for Washington, DC, went down recently after the company behind it failed to update their API to a standard format promoted by the regional transit authority. (Slate)
- Google dropped nearly $17 million on lobbying in 2012 as it fought anti-trust investigations and argued for internet freedom. The total is nearly double what the tech giant spent in 2011. (The Hill)
- Former Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) is making nearly $1 million in his new career. As chief executive of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, he doesn't plan to lobby the government. He is technically allowed to lobby the administration now, but has to wait two years before making a decision about lobbying Congress. (The Hill)
- New York City is launching a new searchable, machine-readable, programmatically accessible database of city financial data. Checkbook NYC 2.0 is an upgraded version of an existing tool. (Tech President)
- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has invested significant resources from his personal fortune to advocate for new gun control measures. He has spread his largess between Mayors Against Illegal Guns and his very own super PAC, Independence USA PAC. (NPR)
Kick-starting the 113th Congress speakers announced
We are excited to announce the exciting lineup of experts and advocates from across the political spectrum that will be speaking at "Kick-starting the 113th Congress," the next Advisory Committee on Transparency event. The sixteen speakers will each have 3 minutes to present their actionable ideas to make government more transparent. The lineup includes representatives of the Cato Institute, the Center for Effective Government, the Center for Responsive Politics, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, the Data Transparency Coalition,, Judicial Watch, the New America Foundation,, Princeton University, Robinson & Yu LLP, the Sunlight Foundation, the Sunshine in Government Initiative, and the Union of Concerned Scientists. The event will be held on Monday, January 28th in room 2203 of the Rayburn House Office Building and start at 2:00 pm. Please RSVP to Read more for a full list of speakers.
Continue readingDear Philanthropists: How about One Percent for Democracy?
Here’s something I just learned: The annual budget for political reform groups in the U.S. is a combined $45 million, which amounts to roughly .01 percent of the $300 billion in total charitable giving in 2011. It's also less than one quarter of the Chamber of Commerce’s $200 million annual budget. This funding disparity is a jumping off point for a new symposium over at Democracy: A Journal of Ideas entitled “Everyone’s Fight: The New Plan to Defeat Big Money.” Most significantly, the issue includes a powerful call-to-arms from Nick Penniman and Ian Simmons for the philanthropy community to contribute “One Percent for Democracy”
Continue reading2Day in #OpenGov 1/23/2013
- 75% of the $306 million spent on state political campaigns in Florida last year went to political committees, which fewer disclosure requirements, instead of candidates. (The Miami Herald)
- In her State of the State address on January 16, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley cited the Palmetto state's low grades in State Integrity Investigation while calling for major reforms. (Global Integrity)
- Hadithi, a new platform for hosting open access academic content is scheduled to launch on January 24th. The platform is Kenya, but will aggregate articles from research institutions worldwide. (Global Voices)
- The White House is partnering with Random Hacks of Kindness, Code for America, Innovation Endeavors, and several Federal agencies to host a National Day of Civic Hacking. The day of hacking will take place on June 1-2 and there are currently events planned for 27 cities. (Tech President)
- Former Senator Ben Nelson became the latest recently retired lawmaker to settle into a new office on K Street with the announcement that he will join public affair firm Agenda as a senior adviser. (Politico)
- The US Chamber of Commerce spent more than $100 million on lobbying in 2012, allowing the group to maintain its throne as the highest spending interest group in Washington. (Roll Call)
A Decidedly Different Obama on Transparency
On the first day of President Obama’s first term, he had a lot on his plate. The economy was in... View Article
Continue reading2Day in #OpenGov 1/22/2013
- A bipartisan group of lawmakers urged President Obama to enforce enhanced whistleblower protections that were included in the recent defense authorization bill. The President spoke critically of the provisions while signing the larger bill into law. (Federal Computer Week)
- The 2012-2013 flu season has reached epidemic levels in the US, leading public health and local government officials to embrace new technologies to spread information and help citizens connect to health care. (GovFresh)
- The Center for Technology in Government is looking at considerations that government's should take before releasing data to the public. A paper on the issue, The Dynamics of Opening Government Data, evaluates open data releases from New York City and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (Government Technology)
- Now that Obama for America is being converted into a 501(c)4 advocacy group many questions are being raised about the future of the group and its ability to focus primarily on politics. 501(c)4's are not supposed to have electoral politics as their main focus, but can run "issue ads". (NPR)
- Government watchdogs have found much to be disappointed with after President Obama promised to lead the most transparent administration in history. His record on ethics, campaign finance, and transparency looks decidedly mixed. (Roll Call)
- While few observers expect sweeping changes in the way that the Obama administration handles K street in its second term, many expect it to become easier for lobbyists to obtain waivers to work in the White House. (Roll Call)
How the Parties Flip-Flopped on the Debt Ceiling
Because of some the work we’ve done before on last minute negotiations and divided government, Sunlight prepared the following graphic... View Article
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