As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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At Democratic super PACs briefing, strategists ask for more cash


CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- If there were millionaires at Tuesday's happy hour for prospective donors of the three major super PACs backing congressional Democrats and President Obama, they were not the recognizable backers of the groups. And there was not much exclusive about the affair.

At the door of a cozy, downtown bar a short walk from the site of the Democratic Party’s convention, an employee checked off names of attendees on an iPad. But he did not seem to stop anyone, and so this reporter walked on through the door. 

The event was one of several being hosted ...

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Open the floodgates: FEC supersizes political donations by text


One month after okaying a proposal to permit small political contributions by text, the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday green-lighted a Democratic firm's plan to collect standard-size contributions using a system that will collect all the identifying information required by the regulators.

In an advisory opinion released this afternoon, the commission said that a proposal by Revolution Messaging will meet federal disclosure requirements. The Democratic digital media company, which has several veterans of President Obama's 2008 campaign on its staff, offered a plan to collect names and addresses -- required by the FEC for those giving $200 or more ...

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Show us the Obama and Romney Super PAC donors


On the eve of the Democratic convention, Priorities USA Action, the super PAC that is supporting President Barack Obama's reelection campaign, has announced that it raised $10 million in August, via this report in the New York Times. However, we won't know who has donated this money until official reports are due at the Federal Election Commission (FEC) later this month.

Restore Our Future, the super PAC supporting Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, has not yet released its fundraising totals for August. In July, the group raised $7.5 million. Top donors to the group include Casino magnate ...

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Group of Democratic governors stand out among party-planners in Charlotte


CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- It’s hard to get the nation's 20 Democratic governors in one place. But that didn't stop party organizers from trying with a swanky, '70s-themed event here Monday night, complete with women in go-go outfits dancing on tables and an ABBA cover band at a two-story downtown club.

One wide-eyed attendee, the president of a state teacher’s union attending his first Democratic National Convention, said he didn’t expect the party to be this good.

About seven of the nation’s governors showed, according an an employee of the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), which ...

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Join Sunlight, NPR and the Washington Post for a Hackathon!


election hackathon 2012It feels like a little while since this community got together for a hackathon, doesn't it? We had a great time at the VIP event around Transparency Camp. But with the election looming and a full summer's worth of new technologies, APIs and data releases, the moment seems ripe for politically-minded devs to get together and create some cool stuff.

So we're delighted to be a part of the upcoming Election Hackathon, cosponsored by Sunlight, NPR and the Washington Post. It's happening October 6th and 7th at the Post's downtown DC headquarters, and it's going to be a good one: we've lined up $5000 in prizes, a bunch of newly-released APIs, and a judging panel that includes Ezra Klein, Brian Boyer, Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda and our own Ellen Miller. Most importantly, it promises to be a great opportunity to meet other like-minded geeks.

You can find all the details here. Start brainstorming now -- we'll see you in October!

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