As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Today in OpenGov: Real big spenders


In today's edition, we release a new Tactical Data Engagement resource, Super PACs set ambitious spending goals for 2018, a House Committee marks up important open government legislation, the future of the Global Open Data Index is assessed, and much more. 

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Today in OpenGov: The K Street Shuffle


In today's edition, we watch representatives from major internet companies testify about Russian election interference on Capitol Hill, the fall out from Monday's indictments continues, activists improve access to California's election data, and much more. 

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It’s time for the Justice Department to finalize and release its new FOIA policy


As a result, this morning, the Sunlight Foundation, Cause of Action Institute​, and our open government allies wrote a letter asking The United States Department of Justice​ and the The White House​ Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to finalize and publish a new Freedom of Information Act policy that makes "release-to-one, release-to-all" the official stance of the United States government.

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Today in OpenGov: Ch-Ch-Ch-Charges…


In today's edition, we scan the indictments from the special counsels office, set the scene as tech companies head to Capitol Hill to testify about the 2016 election, note the FEC struggling to collect on fines, highlight the benefits of connecting various sources of legal data are highlighted, and much more. 

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Today in OpenGov: Conspiracy theories


In today's edition, the GAO looks into Trump's "voter fraud" commission, the Justice Department looks for less foreign lobbying transparency, mySociety looks back at the first year of a Belgian transparency app, we highlight events on the schedule for November, and much more. 

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Today in OpenGov: On the record


In today's edition, we explore the ways that cities depend on federal data, the House votes to boost its subpoena powers, we invite the White House to go on the record with us, Poland risks destroying its judicial safety valve, and more. 

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