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Tag Archive: Today in #OpenGov

2Day in #OpenGov 8/13/2013



  • Progress Kentucky, a Democratic super PAC that received controversy for alleged bugging of Senator Mitch McConnell's meetings, is shutting down. The super PAC raised only $15,000 in the first two quarters, but in a race that could amount to being the most heavily fundraised in history, people in the super PAC may have to look elsewhere to defeat McConnell. (Washington Post)
  • Ted Cruz jumping on the "Rail against mainstream media" bandwagon? After RNC Chair Reince Priebus criticized NBC for its favorable treatment of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Cruz said that mainstream media were "in love" with Clinton. (Washington Post)
  • Eliot Spitzer is viewed quite unfavorably by the public: 68% say his and former Rep. Anthony Weiner's comebacks are "embarrassing," and nearly 60% view him unfavorably. However, recent polls in late July and early August show him up anywhere from four to nine points against Scott Stringer, his main primary opponent. (Washington Post)
  • The League of Conservation Voters, an environmentalist group, have begun their $2 million ad launch against Sen. Ron Johnson and three House Republicans (Mike Coffman, Dan Banishek, and Rodney Davis.) Coffman faces a serious challenge from state House speaker Andrew Romanoff. (Washington Post)
  • Since former Gov. Brian Schweitzer announced that he will not be running for Senate, Democrats have scrambled to find a candidate for the Montana Senate seat, with current Senator Max Baucus extensively fundraising for the state party. Montana Democrats were dealt another blow when former Rep. Pat Williams said he was not running for the seat due to his age and health concerns. (Roll Call)

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2Day in #OpenGov 8/12/2013


by Justin Lin, policy intern NEWS:

  • With each passing day, the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) looks less likely to be repealed, but Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is continuing efforts to either repeal or defund the ACA. He is giving speeches during the August recess at various places in Florida against the Affordable Care Act. Whether or not Rubio's plans will go unfulfilled remains to be seen, with many Republicans scoffing at the practicality of defunding the ACA. (Washington Times)
  • Former congressman Anthony Weiner has come out with his first ad, for which his campaign has reportedly spent $500,000 in air time. In the ad, Weiner railed against the "powerful voices" who did not want him to run for the office, saying in the ad that he is committed to helping the middle class. (Politico)
  • Freshman Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AL), who is running for the Alabama Senate seat, is benefitting from his position on the Financial Services Committee to raise much needed dollars for his Senate campaign. The difference in fundraising is dramatic: for the entire 2011-2012 campaign, Cotton raised $2.2 million. In the first two quarters of this year, Cotton raised $1.1 million already and has over $1 million in cash on hand. (Roll Call)
  • Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), who is not running for reelection for his Senate seat, is hosting a fundraiser that will go towards the state Democratic party. Baucus's retirement leaves a traditionally red state up for grabs, so Baucus has been busy raising money, having already raised $200,000 for the  party this year. (Roll Call)
  • Vice President Joe Biden is visiting Iowa to be the keynote speaker of Senator Tom Harkin's annual steak fry fundraiser. Biden's venture to Iowa, a state well known for setting the tone of many presidential campaigns, marks his interest in running for the presidency, say Democratic officials. (New York Times)

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