As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Why are efforts to regulate potentially hazardous plastics stalled?


Image of EPA Administrator Lisa JacksonIn late 2009, when Lisa Jackson, at the time President Barack Obama's new head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), invoked a long-existing but never-before-used power to  to create a list of "chemicals of concern," the administration appeared to be putting chemical companies on notice that it planned to be aggressive about regulating risks from exposure to the industry's product. Jackson's list included eight of the common plasticizers known as "phthalates" that have been shown to cause to reproductive abnormalities in animal studies and that have also been linked to health problems in humans. They are used ...

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/18/2013



  • The House unanimously passed a bill that would give the GAO stronger investigative and audit authorities. The GAO Improvement Act will give the GAO broader access to sensitive agency information, allow it to copy records, and place witnesses under certain oaths. Many provisions had been part of the DATA act, which passed the House but failed in the Senate during the 112th Congress. (Government Executive)
  • There are some not-so-shocking first quarter fundraising totals coming in from members of the House Financial Services Committee. Members of the committee can typically count on generous donations from banking interests. (Roll Call)
  • San Francisco considers itself a leader in open data and the city is finally getting Bikeshare, a program that benefits significantly from robust open data. Companies will be able to build apps that track bikes, predict demand, and more. (GovFresh)
  • One of the most important ways that government can boost communication with citizens is to present information in clear, easily understandable language. To this end, the Center for Plain Language has bestowed ClearMark awards on several federal agencies for their web and document design. (Government Executive)
  • Journalists trying to gain access to legal documents and court orders in the Bradley Manning case were rebuffed by the military's highest appeals court earlier this week. The court ruled that it lacks the power to consider media challenges to other military judges' rulings on access to court materials. (POLITICO)
  • The Digital Public Library of America is launching its new website and officially becoming an independent nonprofit today. Rather than hosting resources itself, the DPLA will provide open access to metadata about resources and links to holdings at libraries across the country. (Government Technology)

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Why four Dems opposed extending background checks


Back in February, we at Sunlight made some predictions about the Democrats who would be most likely to defect on a gun vote, based on three factors: being up for a vote in 2014, having a high number of gun businesses in the state, and having a low Obama vote share. Here's what we wrote at the time about four Democrats we predicted would be most likely to oppose gun reform.

  • Max Baucus: Montana has 120 gun businesses per 100,000 people, highest in the country (according to ATF statistics). Only 41.8% of Montana voters supported Obama in 2012. (Tester, who just won re-election faces similar pressures)
  • Mark Begich: Alaska has 104 gun businesses per 100,000 people. Only 41.3% of Alaskans voted for Obama in 2012.
  • Tim Johnson: South Dakota has 66 gun businesses per 100,000 people. Only 39.9% of South Dakotans supported Obama in 2012.
  • Mark Pryor: Arkansas has 45 gun businesses per 100,00 people. Only 36.9% of Arkansans voted for Obama in 2012.

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Why pro-gun groups still have the upper hand in Congress


Image of U.S. CapitolTo understand why the Senate voted today to reject a bipartisan deal on gun control, despite emotional -- and heavily broadcast appeals -- by parents of children gunned down in the Newtown, Conn. massacre, it helps to take a look at the influence profiles of groups on both sides of the debate.

Although Mayors Against Illegal Guns, one of the groups pressing for stricter regulation of firearms, dominated the airwaves in the weeks leading up to the vote, groups opposed to such measures have spent far more money over a far longer period of time to win friends and intimidate people on ...

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/17/2013



  • It might take a few weeks for Senate campaign fundraising reports to make it to the FEC, but that isn't stopping members with good news from shouting it from the rooftops. Specifically, several vulnerable incumbent Democrats who are expecting well financed challengers in addition to massive independent expenditures against them announced heft hauls... (Roll Call)
  • ...meanwhile, a number of vulnerable members of the House, as well as a few who are hoping to make a jump to the Senate in 2014, posted less than stellar numbers...  (Roll Call)
  • ...finally, President Obama may never have to run in another election again, but he hasn't yet kicked the fundraising habit. The Obama presidential campaign pulled in over $4 million in the last quarter, leaving it with around $3 million on hand and owing slightly more in debts. (Roll Call)
  • Senator Ron Wyden's long-time Chief of Staff Josh Kardon, who left the hill in 2011 for the Capitol Hill Consulting Group, is going to be plying his trade for ExxonMobil. Wyden chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. (The Hill)
  • Organizing For America is testing out its lobbying operation in New York State, where it is pushing for significant campaign finance reforms. They don't plan to lobby elected officials directly, but will organize their significant member base in the state to influence the issue. (POLITICO)
  • Google has been careful to avoid taking a public stance on CISPA, but that hasn't stopped them from trying to influence the bill behind the scenes. Recent lobbying disclosures indicate that Google has been working on the bill and House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) has been quoted calling the company "supportive" of CISPA. (The Hill)
  • The House released a 244 page report outlining every committee's plans to oversee the executive branch during the 113th Congress. Hot topics include IT, taxes, and more. (Federal Computer Week)

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GOP dominates list of top House fundraisers in 2013


On the heels of the most expensive campaign in the nation's history, members of the House and the candidates who want to replace them are already raking in cash for the 2014 mid-terms. In the first three months of 2013, they collected a total of $68 million, records just submitted to the Federal Election Commission show.

Most of the biggest fundraisers are party leaders, topped by House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va. Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., a senior member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, came in third. But Aaron Schock, a three-term Illinois ...

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Unveiling Sunlight Open Gov Events


If you have been to any of our TransparencyCamp unconferences, the popular Labs Open House or happy hour then you know that we organize great events. And just as much as you support our events, we equally enjoy supporting other events -- especially when they involve bringing together a bunch of geeks like us who love cracking open code and making our government more transparent and open.

In that light, we are casting the net further by reviving our events platform to get you talking about your own event and assist you with sponsorship needs. For an idea about the kind of events that we are looking to engage in, here are a few that we have been a part of, so far:

Types of events we consider for sponsorship:

  • Hackathons
  • Tech Meetups
  • Tech Bar Camps
  • Datafests
  • CityCamps
  • Small tech conferences
  • Tech Happy hours
DSC_0058 DSC00811 Top Idea

Photos credit: Paul Schreiber, Howard Dy, dtraleigh.

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