As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Today in OpenGov: Weaving a web of accountability


In today's edition, we attempt to trace the web of accountability surrounding President Trump's conflicts, pressure is growing for more transparency around sexual harassment on Capitol Hill, how one small-town newspaper reacted to fake news coming out of its community, Nordic countries gather to talk open data, and much more. 

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A web of accountability for Trumpian conflicts


As Sunlight continues to catalogue conflicting presidential conflicts of interests, we’re driven by a collaborative vision that includes amplifying the great accountability reporting we see on social media and on our blog to bring attention to major developments. Here are some of the projects we’re tracking. If you notice something we’re missing, please let us know at

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Today in OpenGov: Sharing is caring


In today's edition, Mike Flynn stops sharing, Yochai Benkler looks at the Honest Ads Act, Stephen Larrick explains how to boost open data impact, mySociety wants open political data for all, and much more. 

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Increase the social impact of open data with user personas


Understanding who uses open data and how helps city staff share public information in ways that are most likely to result in social impact. At “Designing for Community Use," our workshop on the What Works Cities on Tour, we helped city officials brainstorm potential users of open data, develop personas, and then use those personas to design improvements to how city halls disclose information.

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Today in OpenGov: Dissolving foundations


In today's edition, the Trump Foundation meets its end, the FCC plans to roll back net neutrality, now is the time to suggest improvements to the U.S. City Open Data Census, and more.  Meanwhile, Sunlight is at the Open Government Partnership's summit for the Americas in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sunlight's deputy director Alex Howard will be discussing the importance of open civic space, while open cities analyst Katya Abazajian will be speaking on open government in cities.

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CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) Today 59063

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