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Tag Archive: healthcare

Easy Problems, Hard Problems and


a screenshot from This Reuters article about has been getting some attention today. Alas, it's not very good, focusing on client-side optimizations that are probably unrelated to the site's early woes.'s problems are almost certainly occurring at a deeper level of the system, making it very difficult, if not impossible, for an outsider to gauge their seriousness. To explain, let's do one of those analogy things. Say that Kathleen is planning a birthday party for herself.

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Guess who’s giving to lawmaker trying to repeal tax on medical devices?


The Minnesota congressman leading the charge to repeal a medical device excise tax that is meant to generate a big chunk of funding for the health care reform law has taken the most campaign money--more than $64,000--from medical device manufacturers this election cycle. 

Rep. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., has attracted 240 cosponsors, including 11 Democrats, for his bill to repeal the 2.3 percent excise tax, which the House is scheduled to consider this week. Paulsen hails from a state where the medical device industry is a substantial employer. Companies such as Medtronic, St. Jude Medical, and Starkey Laboratories ...

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Consumer groups protest disappearance of doctor discipline data


Robert Tenny, a doctor identified by the Kansas City star who was sued multiple times for malpractice.
[(Photo from the Kansas City Star website.)

[Note: this post has been corrected. Please read the note at the bottom, and comments, for further clarification.]

Reporters' and consumers' groups are protesting the Obama administration's decision to remove from the web a database of disciplinary actions and malpractice suits against physicians. The file, which has been online and publicly available since 2001, hides the names of individual doctors.

But that hasn't stopped reporters over the past decade from doing just that, using ...

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