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Tag Archive: opengov2day

2Day in #OpenGov 4/18/2013



  • The House unanimously passed a bill that would give the GAO stronger investigative and audit authorities. The GAO Improvement Act will give the GAO broader access to sensitive agency information, allow it to copy records, and place witnesses under certain oaths. Many provisions had been part of the DATA act, which passed the House but failed in the Senate during the 112th Congress. (Government Executive)
  • There are some not-so-shocking first quarter fundraising totals coming in from members of the House Financial Services Committee. Members of the committee can typically count on generous donations from banking interests. (Roll Call)
  • San Francisco considers itself a leader in open data and the city is finally getting Bikeshare, a program that benefits significantly from robust open data. Companies will be able to build apps that track bikes, predict demand, and more. (GovFresh)
  • One of the most important ways that government can boost communication with citizens is to present information in clear, easily understandable language. To this end, the Center for Plain Language has bestowed ClearMark awards on several federal agencies for their web and document design. (Government Executive)
  • Journalists trying to gain access to legal documents and court orders in the Bradley Manning case were rebuffed by the military's highest appeals court earlier this week. The court ruled that it lacks the power to consider media challenges to other military judges' rulings on access to court materials. (POLITICO)
  • The Digital Public Library of America is launching its new website and officially becoming an independent nonprofit today. Rather than hosting resources itself, the DPLA will provide open access to metadata about resources and links to holdings at libraries across the country. (Government Technology)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/17/2013



  • It might take a few weeks for Senate campaign fundraising reports to make it to the FEC, but that isn't stopping members with good news from shouting it from the rooftops. Specifically, several vulnerable incumbent Democrats who are expecting well financed challengers in addition to massive independent expenditures against them announced heft hauls... (Roll Call)
  • ...meanwhile, a number of vulnerable members of the House, as well as a few who are hoping to make a jump to the Senate in 2014, posted less than stellar numbers...  (Roll Call)
  • ...finally, President Obama may never have to run in another election again, but he hasn't yet kicked the fundraising habit. The Obama presidential campaign pulled in over $4 million in the last quarter, leaving it with around $3 million on hand and owing slightly more in debts. (Roll Call)
  • Senator Ron Wyden's long-time Chief of Staff Josh Kardon, who left the hill in 2011 for the Capitol Hill Consulting Group, is going to be plying his trade for ExxonMobil. Wyden chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. (The Hill)
  • Organizing For America is testing out its lobbying operation in New York State, where it is pushing for significant campaign finance reforms. They don't plan to lobby elected officials directly, but will organize their significant member base in the state to influence the issue. (POLITICO)
  • Google has been careful to avoid taking a public stance on CISPA, but that hasn't stopped them from trying to influence the bill behind the scenes. Recent lobbying disclosures indicate that Google has been working on the bill and House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) has been quoted calling the company "supportive" of CISPA. (The Hill)
  • The House released a 244 page report outlining every committee's plans to oversee the executive branch during the 113th Congress. Hot topics include IT, taxes, and more. (Federal Computer Week)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/16/2013



  • The House Judiciary Committee is planning to subpoena the Obama administration for documents outlining the legal justification for killing American citizens suspected of terrorism while abroad. The subpoena comes after the administration missed a deadline set by the committee's chair and ranking member to turn over the documents. (The Hill)
  • States don't do a very good job making information about income tax rates and common tax forms available on their websites. A new study by the Tax Foundation found that only five states had information about income tax rates five clicks or less deep into their websites. (Government Technology)
  • President Obama's budget recommends a .94% cut to the GPO's outlay for FY2014. The budget includes large cuts to the GPO's printing and binding budget and a healthy bump to its revolving fund, which would be used to pay for projects related to FDsys as well as IT improvements. (Fierce Government)
  • Obama's budget also shifts responsibility for from GSA to the Treasury Department. Treasury will work to identify medium and long term changes to the site.  (Executive Government)
  • When President Obama travels to the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library, for which W raised over $500 million, later this month he'll be doing a little fundraising of his own. The President and Michelle Obama will fly in a night early to hit up donors. (Washington Times)
  • Likely 2016 GOP candidate and boy wonder Marco Rubio raised $2.3 million in the first quarter of 2013. Whether he's prepping for his reelection bid or a White House run, he looks to be on the right track. (POLITICO)
  • Former Florida Representative Connie Mack tried and failed to take his dad's old job in the Senate last year. This month, he's following his father to K Street. He will join Liberty Partners, where Connie Mack Senior is already a partner. (Roll Call)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/15/2013



  • Progress Kentucky, a nascent super PAC formed to badger Mitch McConnell, has  only managed to raise $1,000 since its inception late last year, but has proven much more adept at getting national headlines. They first made the scene in February with a racist tweet about McConnell's wife, now rumor has it they were behind recordings of McConnell campaign strategy sessions. (Washington Post)
  • Almost half a million people petitioned the Securities and Exchange Commission, asking them to make publicly-traded corporations disclose their political spending. The petition is on the SEC's long term schedule, but its future is unclear. (NPR)
  • Organizing for Action raised just shy of $5 million in its first quarter of operations, pulling an average of $44 from over 100,000 individual donors... (Washington Post)
  • ...they did manage to find a few high dollar donors, including Philip Munger who gave $250,000 and the National Education Association who chipped in more than $15,000. (Roll Call)
  • Tech President talks about the Knight News Challenge in podcast form. (Tech President)
  • It's pretty easy to start a super PAC, so easy that any amateur with the wherewithal to file papers with the FEC and open a bank account can do it. This has led to some serious public relations headaches for the major parties, who have no way to exert control over all of these groups.  (POLITICO)
  • Congress moved quickly and quietly late last week to strip the STOCK act of much of its power while rolling back some of its more controversial provisions. The House followed suit Friday after the Senate passed legislation late on Thursday. President Obama also snuck an announcement that he would sign the legislation in to a court filing on Friday. (Roll Call)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/11/2013



  • The Office of Government Ethics weighed in in favor of the recent NAPA report that recommended indefinite suspension of a STOCK Act requirement that would have put financial disclosure reports from 28,000 Federal employees online. (Washington Post)
  • Wal-Mart is lending its might to the National Retail Federation, one of Washington's bigger retail trade associations. The NRF has invested heavily in its Washington presence recently, spending more than $3.5 million lobbying last year. (The Hill)
  • New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli has helped convince several Fortune 500 to tell their shareholders about political contributions that they make with corporate funds. DiNapoli targets companies held in the New York State Retirement fund and has come to agreements with 18 over the past three years. (K Street cafe)
  • A former deputy Senate Sergeant at Arms and high level aide to Majority Leader Harry Reid is taking a trip through the revolving door. Martina Bradford, who is no stranger to the influence industry with previous stints at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld as well as AT&T, is joining the Bockorny Group as a principal. (The Hill)
  • ManaBalss, an effort to get Latvian citizens directly involved in their government, has had some significant successes since it launched in 2010. It is seen as a big step in a country that has seen low levels of political engagement and trust in government. (Tech President)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/10/2013



  • The GAO's third annual report on duplication in the federal government includes and interesting tidbit on some freely available government data. It looks like the Commerce Department has been charging other agencies millions of dollars for reports from the National Technical Information Service even though 74 % of the NSIT's studies are easily accessible online. (Washington Times)
  • Whoever ends up taking on Mitch McConnell in 2014 is going to need some serious fundraising chops. The Senate Minority Leader has raised almost $2 million so far this year and has a cool$8.6 million on hand. (Washington Post)
  • Hundreds of hill staffers have locked their personal twitter accounts in response to last week's news that LegiStorm was aggregating them for a new product, StormFeed. (POLITICO)
  • With Congress eyeing an overhaul of the tax-code the politicians likely to have major influence over the proceedings are making it clear that they intend to do some of the negotiating in secret, despite publicly stating that they plan to lead an "open and transparent" process. (The Hill)
  • New Jersey Governor Chris Christie might not have any major competition for his reelection bid, but the potential candidate for the 2016 GOP nomination has attracted some negative attention from an outside spending group. One New Jersey is slated to spend $500,000 over two weeks on ads attacking Christie's record. (POLITICO)
  • Yesterday a Senate Judiciary subcommittee heard testimony on campaign finance laws, specifically finding out why they have proven so hard to enforce recently. (NPR)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/9/2013



  • The Indian government sponsored its first hackathon over the weekend. more than 1,900 participants located at 10 education institutions across the country hacked on apps and infographics related to India's latest 5 year-plan. (Tech President)
  • Meanwhile, the White House is hosting its second hackathon on Jun 1. They've set the lofty goal of creating "full, production-ready applications and visual tools," that can be used on the We The People petition system. (Federal Computer Week)
  • Companies are likely to pursue a variety of strategies as they fight to save their favorite credits during the looming fight over tax reform. A number of them have hit on the same idea: find a path to the power. To this end, a diverse set of firms has signed up lobbyists with strong ties to Senate Finance Chair Max Baucus.  (New York Times)
  • Yvette Fontenot,  one of the Obama administration's top health care officials, is joining Democratic lobbying shop Avenue Solutions. She previously served stints at HHS and in the White House Office of Health Reform, where she helped to implement Obamacare. (The Hill)
  • On the other side of the aisle, former GOP staff director and general counsel for the House Administration Committee Phil Kiko is joining the Smith-Free group. The firm represents companies like Bank of America, MasterCard, and Sony Pictures. (The Hill)
  • By the end of April all five remaining FEC commissioners will be serving expired terms. The FEC has an increasingly large workload and has often failed to enforce the most basic rules or agree to pursue the most obvious violations. (Roll Call)
  • Ready for Hillary PAC is gaining some momentum in its quest to support Hillary Clinton's not yet existent 2016 White House bid. Last week James Carville wrote an email supporting the group's efforts and now Harold Ickes, a major Clinton fundraiser and strategist, as signed on to advise the PAC and help them raise money. (Washington Post)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/8/2013



  • Ron Paul, who recently retired from Congress after mounting an unsuccessful bid for the GOP nomination last year, still has some Congressional campaign cash floating around. He's spending some of that money on other projects that he's started. Last month his campaign donated $150,000 to the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education. The group that he founded in 1976 is currently run by his wife. (Public Integrity)
  • A new GAO report doesn't shed much light on the political intelligence industry. The report found that political intelligence is hard to define and complicated to regulate. The GAO might be hesitant to take a stand on the industry, but Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) are planning to introduce legislation that would institute disclosure requirements. (Federal Computer Week)
  • According to a new report by the Housing and Urban Development department's IG, almost $700 million in federal aid for those hit by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita is unaccounted for. Most of the discrepancies stem from failure by more than 24,000 recipients to comply with the aid terms or provide sufficient documentation. (Government Executive)
  • The Federal Reserve emerged from the primordial soup of federal law the same year that Justice Louis Brandeis argued for the cleansing properties of Sunlight. A century later, the central bank is taking small, but important, steps towards transparency. (Harvard Ethics Blog)
  • Outside money is starting to heat up the New York Mayor's race. A group of labor unions and Democratic activists dropped $250,000 for a three week run of ads attacking city council Speaker Christine Quinn, the races presumed front runner. (New York Times)
  • Last week President Obama unveiled a $100 million initiative to map the human brain, an initiative inspired in part by the Human Genome Project. It is yet to be known if the project will provide for open access. (Open Knowledge Blog)

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2Day in #OpenGov 4/5/2013



  • Outfits like Ushahidi spent years building and sharing tools to help track election issues in advance of recent presidential elections in Kenya, hoping that they could help stem the violence that came along with the country's last election in 2007. While they can't take all the credit for relatively peaceful polls this year, their efforts were part of broader initiatives that seem to have worked. (Tech President)
  • The FBI has taken advantage of rules in the PATRIOT act that allow them to send out "national security letters" that come along with gag orders, preventing their recipients from even talking about the existence of the letters. Recently, several tech companies have successfully pushed back about this closed process. First, the Electronic Frontier Foundation successfully sued, representing an unnamed telecom company, and now Google is taking on the practice. (Ars Technica)
  • The IRS mistakenly revealed the names of a number of donors to the Republican Governors Association Public Policy Committee, a "nonprofit" that is supposed to be able to hide its donor list from public view. (Public Integrity)
  • The House Judiciary Committee is sending Richard Hertling, its former chief counsel and staff director, through the revolving door. Hertling, who has also worked in the Senate and at the Justice department during the Bush administration, is joining Covington & Burling government affairs team. (The Hill)
  • While the National Rifle Association gets most of the press and popular attention another group, Gun Owners of America, is emerging as a major force in opposition to new gun control legislation that is winding its way through the Senate. (New York Times)
  • When the U.S Chamber of Commerce and Labor Unions came to agreement on visas for low-skilled workers the lane seemed open for a slam dunk for this immigration reform legislation. But, some business groups are unhappy with the deal and, led by the construction industry, appear poised to launch a lobbying press to block the deal.(POLITICO)
  • Beards are booming among groups as diverse as urban hipsters and mountain men, but facial hair has been on a long decline in America's halls of power. Now there's a PAC aiming to reverse that trend. The Bearded Entrepreneurs for the Advancement of Responsible Democracy (BEARD) PAC recently registered with the FEC. Happy Friday and enjoy the accompanying slideshow! (National Journal)

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