As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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OpenGov Conversations: Susannah Vila on Three Types of Citizen Engagement


This post is part of our series, OpenGov Conversations, an ongoing discourse featuring contributions from transparency and accountability researchers and practitioners around the world.

This post responds to the following question: What is the role of citizen engagement in the ability of transparency policies and initiatives to hold governments accountable?

The term civic engagement can be defined in a variety of ways. For the purposes of this conversation let’s say it consists of someone’s involvement in matters of public concern. Let’s also say that citizen engagement refers specifically to the involvement of individuals as opposed to civil society organizations.

What are the different ways that citizens engage? How does the shape of their engagement influence the shape of any government accountability that might come from it? I’ve noticed a few different types of engagement - and each type appears to have different repercussions for accountability. Here are three:

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How Congress Commemorates President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address


Gettysburg Address

Today marks the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Beginning with the famous phrase "Four score and seven years ago," the 1863 speech is an emblem of democracy and freedom and a popular recitation for social studies students and members of Congress alike. By searching Sunlight's Capitol Words site, we can see that since 1996 Republicans used the opening line on the House or Senate floor more than Democrats. And when searching the Congressional Record for "Gettysburg Address," the GOP also mentions the speech more overall.

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Brady Campaign marks anniversary with ad


As Sarah Brady appears Tuesday at the National Press Club to mark the upcoming 20th anniversary of the gun background check law that bears her husband's name, the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence is urging Congress to "finish the job" by expanding background checks to apply to all gun sales.

In a one-minute cartoon style ad, narrated in a lisping, child-like voice, the Brady Campaign -- which Sarah Brady chairs -- asks whether Congress' refusal to extend background checks is a sign that lawmakers are "rooting for the bad guys." Last spring, the Senate voted down a bill to expand ...

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House keeps DATA Act momentum moving


CapitolDome_painting_istock_smallLast night the House took an important bipartisan step towards greater government transparency by passing the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, H.R. 2061 (DATA Act) on a near unanimous vote. The DATA Act will significantly improve the transparency of federal spending data, as well as make it easier to use, by instituting strong, government-wide financial data standards. It will also ensure that more, and more accurate, data is made publicly available.

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Today in #OpenGov 11/19/2013


National News

  • Members of Congress are happy to share a little help with their friends, other members of Congress. Even in this non-election year, Leadership PACs have raked in $18 million and doled out nearly $12 million to other politicians. (Roll Call)
  • Don't call me a Lobbyist, from this moment forward I am a Government Relations Professional! I'm just following the lead of the group-formerly known as the American League of Lobbyists, which voted to rename itself the Association of Government Relations Professionals. (Public Integrity)
International News
  • The Philippines has launched a portal aimed at opening up foreign aid information. This portal could be come vital as the country attempts to rebuild after being slammed by a devastating typhoon last week. (Future Gov)
State and Local News
  • The New York City Council is slated to hold an oversight hearing to investigate the Big Apple's open data law. It's set to go at 1:00 pm tomorrow. (The New York City Council)
  • More news out of New York City comes in the form of an exploration of the City's efforts to review and analyze regulations before they become law. (Data-Smart City Solutions)
Events Today

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Sunlight Foundation Files its First Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit



Today the Sunlight Foundation filed its very first Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. In May 2013, we sent a FOIA request to the General Services Administration (GSA) requesting a copy of all contract notices that had been posted on since 2000. These notices would allow members of the press, researchers, and our developers to analyze government spending patterns, to look for inaccuracies, corruption, and waste.

Despite our repeated inquiries and reminders, Sunlight never heard back from the GSA about our FOIA request in the more than five months since then. So we decided to take action.

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Today in #OpenGov 11/18/2013


National News

  • A group of 80 law professors are calling on President Obama to open up the Trans-Pacific Partnership process. In the wake of recent major leaks, they argue that the closed negotiation process is not working. (Tech Dirt)
  • The cable industry's major trade association the National Cable and Telecommunications Association dipped its toes into the dark money game in 2012, spreading relatively small donations around to a number of groups that spent huge amounts to oppose President Obama. (Public Integrity)
  • The House Ethics Committee has ended its investigation into trips to Taiwan taken by Reps. Peter Roskam and Bill Owens. Owens, whose trip was closely tied with a lobbying group, had already paid back the cost of his trip. (POLITICO)
International News
  • The Open Data Institute has signed an agreement with South Korea's National Information Society Agency to pursue collaboration in open data. (FutureGov)
  • Interested in learning how the money flows through the Nigerian extractives industry? You'll have a chance on December 7, when the Open Knowledge Foundation hosts a webinar on the topic. (Open Knowledge Blog)
State and Local News
  • Orange County, California has experienced a number of dog bite incidents in recent months and is considering displaying their data on an interactive map in an attempt to combat the problem. (Government Technology)
  • Democrats are often seen as being opposed to campaign finance deregulation in the wake of the Citizens United decision. But, last year Unions and other left leaning groups used it to their advantage, specifically successfully targeting state elections. (Roll Call, Public Integrity)

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