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OpenGov Voices: Catastrophe of District Budgets in the Punjab Province of Pakistan


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by the guest blogger and those providing comments are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of Zahra Lodhithe Sunlight Foundation or any employee thereof. Sunlight Foundation is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information within the guest blog.

Zahra Lodhi is the Project Manager - Strengthening Civil Society for Improved Accountability at the Center for Peace and Development Initiatives. Zahra started her career as a Research Associate at Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Government of Pakistan. She can be reached at

The key to practical democracy is the active involvement of citizens in every aspect of governance; and budget as an imperative instrument of governance is no exception. However, the budget-making process in Pakistan has been closed and largely opaque and people in general have little opportunity to participate in the process that affects the quality of their lives directly.

In recent decades budget transparency has become a pillar of good governance around the world, but in Pakistan a lot of work still needs to be done. The budget making process in Pakistan is wrapped in curtains of secrecy, as both the government and political parties are taking no major steps to make this process participatory or peoples oriented.

CPDI 1The Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI), an Islamabad-based think tank, conducted a study to monitor the process of budget making at the district level. The main aim of this study was to collect research based evidence and find out whether the district governments of Punjab are following the timelines and required procedures for the budget making process. The District Government Budget Rules 2003 lay a clear outline for different timelines and procedures to follow, including a clear requirement for people’s participation in the budget making process.

The survey results revealed very disturbing trends in budget formulation.

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Is Obama administration caving to industry pressure on overseas marketing of tobacco?


This is a special report from, a member -- like the Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group -- of the Investigative News Network.

Facing vehement protest from tobacco state lawmakers and business groups, the Obama administration appears to have retreated from efforts to keep cigarette makers from using trade treaties to attack countries that adopt strong anti-smoking rules.

At issue is whether a pending free trade deal should include language protecting the authority of nations to adopt tough regulations to reduce smoking. In recent years, tobacco companies have invoked trade agreements to challenge the most stringent rules, such as requiring large graphic ...

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Under the radar lobbying: How food suppliers are pushing back on safety regs


Among the many groups pushing for exemption from new food safety rules meant to prevent outbreaks of deady bacteria are a group of dry bulb onion farmers from Idaho and Oregon.

"To date there has never been a documented food safety issue with dry bulbs. Onions have a protective covering and curing process that greatly reduce food safety risks," wrote a cluster of at least 47 onion farmers to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last May. "Onions are never consumed without first being peeled. Because of these factors we feel that dry bulb onions should be exempt." The group ...

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Citing Sunlight Foundation report, watchdog groups file complaint against Santorum


Campaign finance watchdog groups filed a complaint Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission alleging that Rick Santorum's presidential campaign illegally directed a donation to a super PAC.

The complaint is based on a Sunlight Foundation report in which Louisiana mega donor Bill Doré recounted how he was instructed to donate $1 million to the Red, White and Blue Fund, the super PAC supporting Santorum's 2012 run for the presidency. It comes days after Santorum triggered speculation about an encore presidential run with a visit to Iowa, the state that will kick off the 2016 campaign with its much-watched ...

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2Day in #OpenGov 8/13/2013



  • Progress Kentucky, a Democratic super PAC that received controversy for alleged bugging of Senator Mitch McConnell's meetings, is shutting down. The super PAC raised only $15,000 in the first two quarters, but in a race that could amount to being the most heavily fundraised in history, people in the super PAC may have to look elsewhere to defeat McConnell. (Washington Post)
  • Ted Cruz jumping on the "Rail against mainstream media" bandwagon? After RNC Chair Reince Priebus criticized NBC for its favorable treatment of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Cruz said that mainstream media were "in love" with Clinton. (Washington Post)
  • Eliot Spitzer is viewed quite unfavorably by the public: 68% say his and former Rep. Anthony Weiner's comebacks are "embarrassing," and nearly 60% view him unfavorably. However, recent polls in late July and early August show him up anywhere from four to nine points against Scott Stringer, his main primary opponent. (Washington Post)
  • The League of Conservation Voters, an environmentalist group, have begun their $2 million ad launch against Sen. Ron Johnson and three House Republicans (Mike Coffman, Dan Banishek, and Rodney Davis.) Coffman faces a serious challenge from state House speaker Andrew Romanoff. (Washington Post)
  • Since former Gov. Brian Schweitzer announced that he will not be running for Senate, Democrats have scrambled to find a candidate for the Montana Senate seat, with current Senator Max Baucus extensively fundraising for the state party. Montana Democrats were dealt another blow when former Rep. Pat Williams said he was not running for the seat due to his age and health concerns. (Roll Call)

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