We're looking for great journalism that will inform the public, inspire reforms and hold our federal government to account.
Continue readingHarris Fellows to help us shine a light on what works in cities
This summer, Sunlight will be working with fellows from the Harris School exploring public policy issues and providing opportunities that to expand their knowledge and skills.
Continue readingRestrictions on journalists in the US Senate violate core American principles
Are reporters currently allowed to ask questions and record the responses of Senators in the Senate halls on video, in... View Article
Continue readingComey’s testimony is another important step in transparency
Today's open hearing with the former director of the FBI in the United States Senate Intelligence Committee was a signal moment in modern American history,
Continue readingGUIDE: How to use open data to fight corruption
The Open Data Charter's new guide to using open data to combat corruption was designed to be a practical tool for governments. With the right conditions in place, greater transparency can lead to more accountability, less corruption and better outcomes for the public.
Continue readingOn Trump, Twitter and transparency
Each public statement by a President of the United States matters. In 2017, @realDonaldTrump tweets are statements by the President. We hope that the president and his staff choose those words carefully and transparently.
Continue readingOpen source government endures
The Trump administration is supporting open source software because of its potential to save the federal government millions of dollars through reducing duplicative, wasteful spending.
Continue readingOn truth, justice and the American way
In 135 cities around the United States today, including Washington, DC, Americans are marching for truth. The coalition behind the... View Article
Continue readingHow an open license can encourage use of open data
The City of Boston adopted the Public Domain Dedication and License for its public data. The local government believes doing so will help facilitate reuse of their data.
Continue readingUnder pressure, Trump White House discloses ethics waivers
Now that these waivers have been disclosed, the public, the press and the Office of Government Ethics can evaluate their appropriateness and relevance to the public's business being done by White House officials.
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